Kushalnagar, Oct 29, 2015: All roads in Kushalnagara lead to a high profile wedding today. Preparations are seen to be in full swing for the wedding of Union Minister for Law D V Sadananda Gowda’s son Karthik Gowda and Kushalnagar entrepreneur Koodakandi Nanaiah’s daughter Rajasri (Swathi). The marriage will be held at Kushalnagar on October 30. "Chappara Shastra" will be held on October 29.
Kushalnagar Raitha Sahakara Bhavana is decorated with flowers for the marriage. The Bhavana has the seating arrangement for 2,000 persons. The menu will have famous Kodagu delicacies of ’Pandikari’ and other nonvegetarian dishes along with vegetarian dishes. The engagement of Karthik Gowda and Rajasri was held on August 27.