Mumbai, July 17, 2014 : The Chaturmasa Vritha of Srimad Sudhindra Theertha Swamiji, the senior pontiff of Kashi Mutt Samsthan, commenced at the Saraswath Samaj building at Delhi on July 16, Wednesday, while the Chathurmasa Vritha of his anointed successor and junior pontiff Srimad Samyameendra Theertha Swamiji began at the Valkeshwara Shree Kashi Mutt, a branch Mutt of the Kashi Mutt Samsthan.
Various rituals including Panchamritha Abhisheka, Gangabhisheka, Ksheerabhisheka and Kanakabhisheka were offered to the Lord and the Chaturmasa commenced with the Mrithika Pooja. Several devotees participated in the rituals.
The Chaturmasa will be held upto November 6 this year and thousands are devotees are expected to participate.