mangalore today
Saturday, September 28


Communist Party officials involved in Chinese sex party go viral

Communist Party officials involved in Chinese sex party go viral

Mangalore Today / NY daily

China, August 15: Racy photos are making the rounds in China.China is buzzing over a trove of raunchy photos showing six people engaged in an orgy - some of whom are rumored to be high-ranking Communist Party officials.

The series of 181 often graphic photos went viral last week on China’s microblogging site Sina Weibo and have now traveled around the world.


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In the images, which were reportedly taken around 2008, six men and women can be seen performing group sex acts as well as posing for strangely formal portrait-style photos together.

Those involved make no effort to hide their faces, smiling in group shots, including one where one of the men can be seen grabbing the breasts of the woman in front of him.

The rumor that the photos featured Communist Party officials seems to have been started by a Weibo user known only as Anhui1234567q, who said he saw the photos on another website and thought the man pictured was Wang Minsheing, head of the Communist Party in China’s Lujiang County.

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Internet users are alleging that two of the men in the racy photos are the head of the Communist Party in China’s Lujiang County and his second-in-command.

The user also speculated that another man shown in the pictures was Wang’s second in command.

Officials denied that either man was pictured, however, calling any suggestion “malicious slander,” reported China’s People’s Daily.

“We are all furious about this rumor,” Zhang Qi, director of Lujiang’s Internet publicity office, told the paper.

Wang told People’s Daily he believed he was being blackmailed in connection with a corruption case being investigated in the county.

A statement posted on the county’s official Weibo page threatened legal action against those responsible for starting the rumor.

Nevertheless, at least one couple in the photos has so far been identified as being connected to the Communist Party, and confessed.

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Rumor has it the orgy participants are high-ranking Communist officials.

Wang Yu, the deputy secretary of the Communist Youth League at Hefei University in Anhui was identified by a team of self-appointed Chinese Internet users known as a “human-flesh search engine” who tracked him down.

He and his wife - a middle-school teacher - both appear in the photos, and both were fired from their jobs, Gawker reported.

A Chinese website that posted the photos cited a government official who stated the other men in the picture are in fact not Wang Mingsheing or his second-in-command but friends of Wang Yu.

Orgies are illegal in China, punishable with jail time under the country’s "group licentiousness law."

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