Feb 26, 2019 - There is some sort of fascination towards alien creatures or any hints of extra-terrestrial life. UFO hunters and conspiracy theorists especially always have something new to discover about aliens. All the UFO enthusiasts came together dressed as aliens for their annual ’alien festival’ 2019 in Argentina. It is a regular affair which takes place every year at a UFO sighting hotspot at a town Capilla del Monte. People dress up as aliens, colour their faces, transform themselves looking anything except a human. It was a three-day festival and saw over thousands of ’aliens’ parading through the town of Capilla del Monte.
The attendees were dressed into their interpretations of how an extra-terrestrial would be like. While pop culture like series and movies have given a general look, people became creative with their ways of looking like an alien. Capilla del Monte has become popular as a UFO tourist hotspot. It is said that an unidentified object landed here in 1986 and left a mark on one of the sides of the Pajarillo mountains.
Other than parades, people also come together to discuss their encounters with a UFO or an extra-terrestrial creature. They talk about the fluorescent lights that they have seen across the skies. One of the attendees was reported to have seen a spaceship passing by her just two meters away. This is the 7th consecutive year when the alien festival took place here.
While scientists and researchers are working in extreme detail to develop any clue about the trace of aliens, there is still no certain proof but only theories. But this festival is a good time for all the UFO enthusiasts to come together and share their interests as well as play an alien for some time.
courtesy - Lateslty