mangalore today
Sunday, September 08


The mini moos: Tiny breed of cows that grow to just three feet tall

The mini moos: Tiny breed of cows that grow to just three feet tall

The mini moos: Tiny breed of cows that grow to just three feet tall

Mangalore Today News Network

These tiny creatures look like new born calves but they are actually fully grown cows standing just 36 inches tall.

Owner Jay Brittain’s new additions to her Small Breeds Farm Park near Kington, Herefordshire, are zebus cows - and are the smallest cows in the world.

The breed, which are regarded as sacred cattle in native Sri Lanka, were saved from the brink of extinction five years ago.

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Holy cow: These tiny animals are regarded as sacred cattle in their native Sri Lanka

Their numbers plummeted after indiscriminate cross-breeding with dairy breeds.
Ms Brittain said: ’I first heard about the miniature zebus around 15 to 18 years ago and thought it would just be fantastic to have them here.’

The cows stand 36 inches high and weigh just five stone each - a tenth of the size of normal adult cattle.

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Fully grown: These minature cows Charlie (left) and Mary. have just arrived in Britain are the smallest cattle in the world

Ms Brittain said: ’They are rare and people just thought they were going to die out and become extinct.

’They have a fatty lump on their shoulders and a hump on the back of the neck - and are very, very friendly.

’People think they are calves and are amazed when they discover they are fully grown adult cows.

’They are no bigger than your average dog and are hugely popular with children.’

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Walkies: The cows are no bigger than an average dog

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