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Dad (Baptist Menezes)

Dad (Baptist Menezes)
Happy Birthday(14/02/2012)

ಮೊಗಾಳ್ ಡ್ಯಾಡಿಕ್ , ಜಲ್ಮಾ ದಿಸಾಚೆ ರಾಸ್ ರಾಸ್ ಉಲ್ಲಾಸ್. ದೇವ್ ತಾಚಿ೦ ಸಬಾರ್ ಆಶಿರ್ವಾದಾ೦ ತುಜೆರ್ ವೊತು೦ದಿ ಅನಿಕ್ ದೀ೦ವ್ದಿ ತುಕಾ ಲಾ೦ಬ್ ಆವ್ಕ್ ಅನಿಕ್ ಬೋಳ್ ಬೊಲಾಯ್ಕಿ.ಸಾ೦ಗತಾಚ್ಚ್ ಸರ್ವ್ ತುಜಿ೦ ಸೊಪ್ಣಾ೦ ತೊ ಸೊಮಿ೦ ಜೆಜು, ಜಾರಿ ಕರು೦ದಿ ಮಣ್ ಮೊಜೆ೦ ಮಾಗ್ಣೆ೦. ಉಲ್ಲಾಸಾ೦ ಸವೆ೦ ವಿಲ್ಸನ್, ರೀನಾ, ವಿಲ್ಮ, ವಿಲ್ಪ್ರೆಡ್,ರಿಯಾ ಮಿನೇಜಸ್, ಆಶಲೀ

Wilson Menezes, Bangalore

Wilma Margaret Monteiro,Mangalore

Wilma Margaret Monteiro,Mangalore
Happy Birthday(26/01/2012)

Dearest Wilma, S stands for sincerity, that your world is filled with, I stands for innocence, of your mind that makes you so rich. S stands for strong, that describes your heart best, T stands for talented, that makes you stand out from the rest. E stands for encouraging, just the way you always do, R stands for rare, and my dearest sister/aunty that’s true. Happy Birthday to you. Have a wonderful birthday. With loving wishes, Sunny dakka,Voni and Ashita Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore


Happy Birthday(03/01/2012)

Wish you Happy Birthday dear Shashi putta..

vishaya, mangalore

Clifford Noel Rodrigues,Mangalore

Clifford Noel Rodrigues,Mangalore
Happy Birthday(31/12/2011)

Dear Clifford, On your birthday we wish you much pleasure and joy We hope all of your wishes come true. May each hour and minute be filled with delight, And your birthday be perfect for you. Happy birthday and have wonderful moments On your birthday and too being This a last day in this year 2011. Wishing you a grand party with your loved ones in your house Celebrating along with the New Year 2012 bash too. All the best and Happy New Year too. Wishes from Sunny,Matilda and Ashita Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

Friona Zeema D’Silva,Bangalore

Friona Zeema D’Silva,Bangalore
Happy Birthday(26/12/2011)

Dearest Zeema Friona, You are always very special and You should know today That you are wished the nicest things That life can bring your way Like warm and loving wishes Happiness and cheer Also everything you need to start Another happy year. Happy birthday and this Birthday Is the first birthday After your wedding with Rayan. Wishing you also Season’s compliments. With warm wishes, Sunny uncle,Matilda aunty and Ashita Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

Jacintha Dorothy D’Souza,Bahrain

Jacintha Dorothy D’Souza,Bahrain
Happy Birthday(25/12/2011)

Dear Jessy, We have so fortunate to have a Sister, Sister-in-law and an aunty Like you This card is sent with warm wishes, And loving thoughts too. As a sister,sister in law and aunty You brought joy to our life Year after wonderful year That love you give to us Brightens our days Even when you are very far from us. May your birthday be the best With X mas Mood and cheers And many of your life’s finest things, Always come on your way In this year and in the New Year too. Happy birthday Jessy and Jessy Moushi. May Infant Jesus bless you and keep you Happy, Wise and Cheerful with Good Health With Christmas cheers and birthday happiness, Bai Bavoji and Ashita Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

Jaison Soares and Lavina Lobo

Jaison Soares and Lavina Lobo

Dear Jaison and Lavina, Your wedding day is just the start this day Of a lifetime full of love and fun. It just begins as you take your vows today When the two of you are joined as one. We wish for you sweet happiness, Through the years, may your love grow, To warm you both from day to day, In your marriage’s satisfying glow. Congratulations and Happy married life May Heaven’s choicest blessing Be showered on you both. With wishful thinking and warm wishes, Simon Lasrado and family Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

Albert Charles D’Souza,Bahrain

Albert Charles D’Souza,Bahrain
Happy Birthday(16/12/2011)

Dearest Albert, Happy birthday and And many happy returns of the day. May God bless you and May all your dreams come true. Today is your day, and you are wished the best, We hope you celebrate it, with a lot of zest. For today though you are a year older, Store away your many wishes, until you feel bolder. So let the drums roll and horns toot, Now make a wish for a lot of loot. Have a jabardasth and fantastic birthday With warm wishes, Bai,Bavoji and Ashita Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

Leena Sequeira,Bangalore

Leena Sequeira,Bangalore
Happy Birthday(04/12/2011)

Dearest Leena, On your birthday, special one, We wish that all your dreams come true. May your day be filled with joy, Wonderful gifts and goodies, too. On your day we wish for you Favorite people to embrace, Loving smiles and caring looks That earthly gifts cannot replace. We wish you fine and simple pleasures. We wish you many years of laughter. We wish you all of life’s best treasures. We wish you happily ever after. Happy Birthday. With best wishes, Sunny,Hilda and Ashita Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

Daryl Chris Saldanha,Muscat

Daryl Chris Saldanha,Muscat
Happy Birthday(01/12/2011)

Dearest Daryl, This Silver Birthday card is sent with special wishes too Because you’re extra special And because today is too It’s really nice to have a Nephew or a cousin especially one like you And so this Silvery wish is sent with all our love to you Happy 25th silver Birthday Daryl and Have a wonderful birthday today. May your silver Birthday become Gold and then shine like Diamond with Platinum coating. With Silvery wishes from Uncle Sunny,Matilda aunty and Ashita Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

Sr.Zelie(Rosely Saldanha)Greater Noida,UP

Sr.Zelie(Rosely Saldanha)Greater Noida,UP
Happy Birthday(30/11/2011)

Dear Rosely(Sr.Zelie)/aunty, Happy birthday on this beautiful day, There are so many things, we just want to say. You inspire many, with your thoughts and actions, We are all so grateful, for your calm reactions. Happy birthday on this beautiful day, You have always been there, when we needed you to stay. Kindness and thoughtfulness is your forte, Our love for you, we wish to convey. Happy birthday on this beautiful day, We wish you the best, without any delay. Hope you enjoy it, from beginning till end, Here are the hug & kisses, we are ready to send. S stands for sincerity, that your world is filled with, I stands for innocence, of your mind that makes you so rich. S stands for strong, that describes your heart best, T stands for talented, that makes you stand out from the rest. E stands for encouraging, just the way you always do, R stands for rare, and our dearest sister that’s true. Happy Birthday to you. With love, Hilda,Sunny and Ashita Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

Friona Zeema Saldanha

Friona Zeema Saldanha

Dear Friona Zeema, Wishing all the best on your ROCE today evening at Lobo’s River View(a Riverie Paradise)Jeppu,Mangalore. When you sit in the Matov today where you will be (Vokal) draped in a dazzling pinkish saree with the kirgi bazu,a veil around you,your hair draped with lovely flowers known as Jesminso, Mogryanso, Kolyanso and Abolinso with your young dediyos sitting in line with you.You will be thrilled to watch when your parents along with your aunts,uncles,sister,cousin sisters,relatives,friends and loved ones anoint your forehead,eyes,ears,face,hands,legs and fingers with Coconut Milk(Roce) and all will sing those traditional Vovyos followed by a traditional bath which will be your last bath as a Spinster. Enjoy the Roce day and feel comfort. All the best.Cheers !! With wishes, Uncle Sunny,Aunt Matilda and Ashita Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

Pius D D’Souza,Bangalore

Pius D D’Souza,Bangalore
Happy Birthday(17/11/2011)

Dearest Pius D’Souza, A world of wishes meant especially for you, May all the nicest things be yours Today and all year through! Belated wishes for your 75th Platinum Birthday This comes with many special thoughts and warmest wishes, too, Because it means so much to have a Dynamic person like you It is a special occasion of 75th birthday Endless greetings,emails and cards will relay All those who love you will Send your way Wishes for a Happy 75th Platinum birthday Heart warming, Birthday hugs,kisses and wishes Sent to someone like you very special and dear The smiles of angels will shine on you Each day,each week,each month long all the year. Wishing you belatedly special happiness wonderful memories long life, good health and all the best on your birthday and every day. With all the platinum happiness, Sunny,Matilda and Ashita Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

Susan Lewis,Malaysia

Susan Lewis,Malaysia
Happy Birthday(07/11/2011)

Dear Susan, We need to send a real cute card, To someone special that we know, The very best of nieces/cousins We have just got to tell her so. We have very proud that we belong We are blessed we are family You hold a treasured place within our heart And that’s where you will be. We just want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Susan And forever blessings To our very own niece/cousin today. Happy birthday Susan. With all the wishes, Uncle Sunny,aunty Matilda and Ashita Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore


Happy Birthday(24/10/2011)

Birthdays come only once a year. But a person like you brings life to hundreds every single day! I\’m so glad that God sent you into this world. Happy Birthday, dear!

Veena, Mangalore