mangalore today
Thursday, March 06
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New Chief Minister Sri Sadananda Gowda

New Chief Minister Sri Sadananda Gowda

ಸುಳ್ಳ್ಯದವರಾದ ಶ್ರೀಮಾನ್ ಡಿ.ವಿ.ಸದಾನ೦ದ ಗೌಡರಿಗೆ, ನಮ್ಮ ರಾಜ್ಯದ ನೂತನ ಮುಖ್ಖ್ಯ ಮ೦ತ್ರಿ ಯವರಿಗೆ ಕೆಲವು ನಿಮ್ಮೂರಿನವರಿ೦ದ ಕೆಲವು ಕಿವಿಮಾತುಗಳು.ನಿಮ್ಮ ಮು೦ದಿನ ಎಲ್ಲ ಘನ ಕಾರ್ಯಗಳು ಸುಸೂತ್ರವಾಗಿ ನಡೆಯಲಿ, ಯಡ್ಡಿಯಿ೦ದ ಅರ್ದದಲ್ಲಿ ನೆಗೆದು ಬಿದ್ದ೦ತಹ ಕೆಲಸಗಳು ಸುಗಮವಾಗಿ ಮು೦ದುವರಿಸಲಿ. ಯಡಿಯೂರಪ್ಪರವರ ಕಪಿ ಮುಶ್ಟಿ ಯಿ೦ದ ದೂರವಿರಿ. ಕಶ್ಟ ಕಾಲದಲ್ಲಿ ಸಹಾಯಕ್ಕೆ ಬಾರದ ಸಮಯ ಸಾದಕ ದನ೦ಜಯ ಕುಮಾರರನ್ನು,ಸುಳ್ಳು ಕಲ್ಪನೆಗಳನ್ನು ಮೂಡಿಸುವ ವಿ.ಯಸ್.ಆಚಾರ್ಯರವರ ಮಾತುಗಳನ್ನು ಆದಶ್ಟು ವಿಶ್ವಾಶಕ್ಕೆ ತೆಗೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳಬೇಡಿ. ಕ್ಶುಲ್ಲಕ ಮಲೋಭಾವವಿರುವ ಸಿ.ಟಿ.ರವಿಯನ್ನು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸ೦ಪುಟಕ್ಕೆ ಸೇರಿಸಬೇಡಿ. ಯಡಿಯೂರಪ್ಪನವರ ಎರಡೂ ಮಕ್ಕ ಳನ್ನು ದೂರವಿರಿಸಿ. ಲೋಕಾಯುಕ್ತದಲ್ಲಿ ಸಿಲುಕಿರುವ ರೆಡ್ಡಿ ಸಹೋದರರನ್ನು,ಸೋಮಣ್ಣ, ಶ್ರೀರಾಮುಲು, ಲೋಕಾಯುಕ್ತವರರಿಗೆ ಬೆದರಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ಹಾಕಿದ ಕೆ.ಯಮ್.ಎಫ಼್.ಸೋಮಶೇಕರ್ ರೆಡ್ಡಿ ರವರನ್ನು ಹತ್ತಿರ ಸೇರಿಸಬೇಡಿ. ಸುಳ್ಳು ಆಶ್ವಾಶನೆ ಗಳನ್ನು ಕೊಡುವ ಈ ಹನ೦ದು ಜನರನ್ನು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಎಲ್ಲ ಘನ ಕಾರ್ಯಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಭಾಗಿಯಾಗದ೦ತೆ ನೋಡಿಕೊ೦ಡು ಕರ್ನಾಟದ ಜನತೆಗೆ ಒಳ್ಳೆಯದನ್ನು ಮಾಡಿ, ಈ 22 ತಿ೦ಗಳು ಉತ್ತಮ ಆಡಳಿತ ನಡೆಸಿ ನಮ್ಮ ರಾಜ್ಯಕ್ಕೆ ಒಳ್ಳೆಯ ಹೆಸರನ್ನು ತ೦ದು ಕೊಡಿ ಎ೦ದು ನಾನು ಭಗವ೦ತನಲ್ಲಿ ಪ್ರಾರ್ಥಿಸುತ್ತೇನೆ. ಜೊತೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ನಾಲ್ಕು ಬಾರಿ ಸುಳ್ಳ್ಯದಿ೦ದ ವಿಧಾನ ಸಬೆಗೆ ಗೆದ್ದು ಬ೦ದ೦ತಹ ಅ೦ಗಾರ ವರಿಗೆ ಈ ಬಾರಿಯಾದರೂ ಮ೦ತ್ರಿ ಪದವಿಯನ್ನು ಕೊಡುತ್ತೀರೆ೦ದು ನನ್ನ ನ೦ಬಿಕೆ. ನಿಮಗೆ ಶುಭ ಹಾರೆಯ್ಸುವ, ಸಯ್ಮನ್ ಲಸ್ರಾದೊ ಸುಳ್ಳ/ಬೆ೦ಗಳೂರು

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

Ashita Lasrado

Ashita Lasrado
Happy Birthday(07/08/2011)

Dearest Ashita, You are a special daughter Who means so much to us. We are glad God gave you to us. Your love and devotion You make us proud That you are who you are. The bond that we have Will keep us close. You are the blessings This greetings card we send to you We want to know Is sincere and true. You are the best daughter This world holds Worth more to us Than all the world’s gold Your kind and caring And always there for us Thank you Ashita for everything You do for us so thoughtfully. Happy birthday darling And have a wonderful day With love and kisses Dad and Mom

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore




vivek nazareth, mangalore

Benet D’Mello,Mangalore

Benet D’Mello,Mangalore

ಮೊಗಾಚ್ಯಾ ಬೆನೆಟಾಕ್, ಶಾಬಶ್ಕಿ ಪಾವೊ ತುಕಾ ಬೊಳಾರ್ ವಾರ್ಡ್ಯಾಚೊ ಕೊ೦ಗ್ರೆಸ್ ಪಾಡ್ತಿಚೊ ಅದ್ದ್ಯಕ್ಶ್ ಜಾವ್ನ್ ವಿ೦ಚುವ್ನ್ ಆಯಿಲ್ಲ್ಯಾಕ್. ದೇವ್ ತಾಚಿ೦ ವಿ೦ಚ್ನಾರ್ ಆಶೀರ್ವಾದಾ೦ ತುಜೆರ್ ವೊತು೦ವ್ದಿ ಆನಿಕ್ ತುಜ್ಯಾ ಹ್ಯಾ ನೊವ್ಯಾ ಜವಬ್ದಾರಿ೦ತ್ ತುಕಾ ತೊ ಬೊರಿ ಜಾಣ್ವಾಯ್ ಅನಿಕ್ ದಯ್ರ್ ದೀ೦ವ್ದ್ ಮುಣ್ ಆಮ್ಚೆ೦ ಮಾಗ್ಣೆ೦.ತುಕಾಚ್ಚ್ ಪಾತ್ಯೊನ್ ಆಸುಲ್ಲ್ಯಾ ಹ್ಯಾ ಬೊಳಾರ್ಚ್ಯಾ ಲೊಕಾ೦ಚಿ ಬೊರಿ೦ ಬೊರಿ೦ ಕಾಮಾ೦ ಕರ್ನ್ ದೀವ್ನ್ ತುಜೆ೦ ನಾ೦ವ್ ಉ೦ಚ್ಲ್ಯಾ ಮಾಟ್ಟಾರ್ ಪಾವೊಯ್ ಮುಣ್ ಆಮ್ಚಿ ಆಪೇಕ್ಶಾ. Dear Benet, We take this opportunity to congratulate you on being elected as the President of Bolar Ward Congress Party.May God bless you abundantly and we pray to Almighty to give you wisdom and courage to work hard for the benefit of the people of Bolar Ward in Mangalore.Let you dedicate your precious time with selfless motives and good moral.All the best dear Benet and wish you all the success in your mission and new assignment. Wishing you good luck, Uncle Simon Lasrado and family Bangalore

ಸೈಮನ್ ಲಸ್ರಾದೊ, ಸುಳ್ಳ್ಯ/ಬೆ೦ಗಳೂರ&

katelyn Joann Lourdes gomez

katelyn Joann Lourdes gomez
Happy Birthday(05/08/2011)

Happy birthday to our darling daughter katelyn gomez who turns 9 years on the 05th of august. may all your dreams come true & may god bless you always. with much love & kisses mam Romi , Dad Hiran, Nana , Lucian pappa, Big Mama , Aunty Kamalini , Sana Boy, Gaya Akki, Aunty Sanduni , Uncle Shivan , Baby Srithish & All your uncles , auntys & Cousins wish you good luck on this special day Katy Gal.

romi gomez, sri lanka colombo


Happy Birthday(11/07/2011)

Many many happy returns of the day dear....May god bless you abundantly on this day. May he protect and guide you in all that you do. With Lots of love & wishes.. From, Prem .

Prem Santos, Jeppu, Dubai

Valerian Fernandes,FKCA Chairman

Valerian Fernandes,FKCA Chairman

Valerian Fernandes Re-elected as Chairman of FKCA, Bangalore, July 3rd 2011: Mr. Valerian Fernandes has been unanimously Re elected as the Chairman of the Federation of Konkani Catholic Associations (FKCA) during its 14th AGM which was held at Konkan Bhavan, Bangalore on 3rd July 2011. Mrs Aida D’Cunha,Mrs. Philomena Pereira and Mr. Ronald Cutinha were also re-elected unopposed as 1st Vice Chairwoman,General Secretary and Treasurer respectively. Dear Valerian, Congratulations to you. You did it again.You have been re-elected as the Chairman of FKCA unanimously for the current year too which was held on 3rd July 2011 at Bangalore.God bless you and your entire team. With all the best wishes, Simon Lasrado and family Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

Anup Saldanha the new President of KonCab

Anup Saldanha the new President of KonCab

Dear Anup Saldanha, Congratulations to you for being elected as a new President of KonCab. Being a true son of our great (Late)Stanley Saldanha the first President of KonCab, you have made Saldanha family proud by occupying this prestigious seat.God bless you and your new team and may He give you courage and strength to do good works. All the best Anup and your team. wishes from Simon Lasrado

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

Anup Saldanha the new President of KonCab

Anup Saldanha the new President of KonCab

Dear Anup Saldanha, Congratulations to you for being elected as a new President of KonCab. Being a true son of our great (Late)Stanley Saldanha the first President of KonCab, you have made Saldanha family proud by occupying this prestigious seat.God bless you and your new team and may He give you courage and strength to do good works. All the best Anup and your team. wishes from Simon Lasrado

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

Raj Francis Pereira,UK

Raj Francis Pereira,UK
Happy Birthday(12/06/2011)

Dear Raj Francis, A beautiful day and a sparkling occasion. Today, I wonder what should I gift you? I always have your support, care and love So I gather deep emotions to greet you. I wish you a very Happy Birthday. May God bless you abundantly and May all your dreams come true Today,tomorrow and always. With all the good wishes, Simon Lasrado and family Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

Jerina Nirmala Lewis,Dubai

Jerina Nirmala Lewis,Dubai
Happy Birthday(06/06/2011)

Dear Jerina Nirmala, We are sorry, we missed your birthday, The time flew by so fast, We never realized that it was here, Until it had already past. So let us just send greetings now, We hope it’s not too late, We wish you a happy belated birthday, Even though we are late, Hope it was wonderful. With warm wishes Simon Lasrado and fly Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

Ened and Daniel Salanaha,Mangalore

Ened and Daniel Salanaha,Mangalore

Dear Ened and Daniel, ತುಮ್ಚೆ೦ ಅಬು ದಾಬಿಚೆ೦ ಪಯ್ಣ್ ಸುಖಮಯ್ ಅನಿಕ್ ಸ೦ತೊಸಾಚೆ೦ ಜಾ೦ವ್ದಿ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಅಬು ದಾಬಿಯ ಪಯಣ ಸುಖಕರವಾಗಲಿ. आप्का अबु दबिका पयण सुख शान्तिसे बरॆ ಅಬು ದಬಿಕ್ ಎಡ್ಡೆಟ್ ಪೋತ್ ಬಲೆ Bon voyage and au revoir Sorry you are going so far. When you reach Abu Dhabi Reach out and feel happy. God gave you both the chance to be Far across the wide blue sea Take His gift and live it well With each other the truth to tell You would take the chances too We are glad He gave to you. All the world to be your own Even `though you`re far from home Wishing you both Good luck Good health and long life Be happy too and enjoy Your married life in Abu Dhabi. BON VOYAGE to you both once again Wishes from Sunny uncle,Hilda aunty and Ashita Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

Alvet and Shammie D Souza

Alvet and Shammie D Souza

Dear Alvet and Sharmila, A small child So precious and sweet, Has come into your lives To make you complete. Today is so special In every which way Enjoy baby Ruth’s Special Day today On your baby Ruth’s christening & cradling ceremony May all your wishes come true May your little baby enjoy her day And may all be perfect for you with love and regards, Uncle Sunny,aunt Matilda and Ashita Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

Simon Lasrado

Simon Lasrado
Happy Birthday(21/04/2011)

Dear Sunny, Today’s a very special day Here’s a Happy Birthday wish to you This comes with fondest love From your wife. May today be filled with love,understanding, and contentment as you journey through life with me But though your hair has turned to grey And your skin no longer fits, On the inside, you’re the same old you, And very active too. I know it’s your birthday, Which means that you’re not old, Though you’re getting more forgetful And mixed up in the head. Wishing you all the happiness On your birthday Matilda

Matilda Lasrado, Basrikatte/Bangalore

Simon Lasrado

Simon Lasrado
Happy Birthday(21/04/2011)

Dear Dad, A Dad gives hope When life is low A Dad’s a place Where you can go Happy Birthday to YOU Happy Birthday to YOU Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to YOU Thank you Dad. for listening and caring, for giving and sharing, but, especially, for just being you! Happy Birthday to you The greatest gift I ever had Came from God, and I call him Dad! Happy Birthday, Dad I’m soooo happy you’re my Dad And soooo I want to say I love you, Dad, and wish you A sooo very best birthday. With love, Your loving daughter, Ashita

Ashita Lasrado, Bangalore