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Thursday, March 06
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Lanita Noronha

Lanita Noronha
Happy Birthday(12/03/2011)

We are blessed with an angel, Like heaven might send, And we call her Munny My daughter and friend, Have a lovely Birthday Family life is many things And one of the nicest joys it brings Is having a daughter as dear as you Who’s thought of in a special way Not only on a special day But warmly and with love The whole year through! Happy Birthday Munny

Shyna Noronha, Bendur/ Dubai

Lidwin Pinto(Cutinho)

Lidwin Pinto(Cutinho)
Happy Birthday(11/03/2011)

Dear Lidwin, On your birthday I wish you much pleasure and joy; I hope all of your wishes come true. May each hour and minute be filled with delight, And your birthday be perfect for you. Happy birthday and many happy returns of the day. May God bless you and have a wonderful birthday today wishes from Simon Lasrado and family Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Bangalore

Jaison Soares,Taccode of I Care Live

Jaison Soares,Taccode of I Care Live
Happy Birthday(10/03/2011)

Dear Jaison, It\’s your last birthday,as a Bachelor One final candle on your cake, On this birthday just before your wedding with Lavina We wish for you the fulfillment of all your fondest dreams. We hope that for every candle on your cake,you get a wonderful surprise whatever you want most in life, It comes to you just the way you imagined it. With all the happiness, Simon Lasrado and family Bangalore

Simon Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore



Dear all the women worldwide, A woman has the strength that amaze men. She can handle trouble and carry heavy burdens. She holds happiness,love and opinions. She smiles when she feels like screaming. She sings when she feels like crying. And cries when she is happy and laughs when she is afraid. Her love is unconditional. There is only one thing wrong with her, She sometimes forgets What she is worth. Willingness to Overcome Mentally Endangered Nerves Twisted with Special cord.This is a Day of opportunity An ability to Yield fruitful results. Happy WOMENS DAY. With wishes, Simon Lasrado Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

Cyril G.Sequeira,Mangalore

Cyril G.Sequeira,Mangalore
Happy Birthday(08/03/2011)

ತಾಕೊಡೆಚೊ ಸಿಜ್ಯೆಸ್ ಸಾ೦ಗಾತಾಚ್ಚ್ ಬಜಾಲ್ಚ್ಯಾ ಸಿಕೆರಾಮಾಕ್ ಜಲ್ಮಾ ದಿಸಾಚೆ ಹಾರ್ದಿಕ್ ಶುಭಾಶಯ್. ಸಾ೦ಗಾತಾಚ್ಚ್ ರಾಸ್ ರಾಸ್ ಉಲ್ಲಾಸ್. ದೇವ್ ತುಜಿ೦ ಸರ್ವ್ ಸೊಪ್ಣಾ೦ ಅನಿ೦ ಬೊಗ್ಣಾ೦ ಸುಫೊಳ್ ಕರು೦ದಿ ಅನಿಕ್ ಸರ್ವ್ ತುಜಿ೦ ಕವಿತಾ೦ ಸ೦ಸಾರಾಚ್ಯಾ ಮುಲ್ಯಾ ಮುಲ್ಯಾನಿ೦ ಪ್ರಚಾರಿತ್ ಜಾ೦ವ್ದಿ ಮುಣ್ ಆಮ್ಚೆ೦ ಮಾಗ್ಣೆ೦. ನಿಳ್ಶ್ಯಾ ಹ್ಯಾ ಮೊಳ್ಬಾ ಪೊ೦ದಾ ಜಾ೦ವ್ದಿ ತುಜೊ ಜಲ್ಮ ದಿಸಾಚೊ ಸ೦ಬ್ರಾಮ್. Dearest Sikeraam, Because today is your birthday, And because you are extra nice, One wish is not enough for you And so here I am wishing twice… Hoping your Birthday is wonderful In every single way And next year brings happiness For you day after day Happy Birthday Extra special wishes For an extra special person, For a extra special day. May you have much Happiness in every Single way, Happy birthday to you. Wishing all the goodness, Simon(Sunnyboy) Lasrado and family Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

Diana  Veigas,Toronto,Ontario,Canada

Diana Veigas,Toronto,Ontario,Canada
Happy Birthday(04/03/2011)

Dearest Diana, We are wishing you another year Of laughter, joy and fun, Surprises, love and happiness, And when your birthday’s done, We hope you feel deep in your heart, As your birthdays come and go, How very much you mean to us, More than you can know. Happy birthday dear Diana and all the best. Have a wonderful day. with wishes, Sunny dakka,Voni and Ashita Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

Charles Ghomes,Bangalore

Charles Ghomes,Bangalore
Happy Birthday(27/02/2011)

Dear Charles Ghomes, Although we have completely forgot your birthday date These birthday wishes Will arrive a little late Belated wishes for your birthday. You’re always wished Much happiness No matter what the date. Wishes from Simon Lasrado and family Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

Praveen Tauro,Mangalore

Praveen Tauro,Mangalore
Happy Birthday(25/02/2011)

Dear Praveen, Happy Birthday, and many more. We hope you make it to a hundred and two, Because we always want to have The special pleasure of knowing you. Happy Birthday Praveen and many happy returns of the day With special greetings, Simon Lasrado and family Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

Vivek Nazareth

Vivek Nazareth
Happy Birthday(19/02/2011)

Dear Vivek, On your birthday, special one, We wish that all your dreams come true. May your day be filled with joy, Wonderful gifts and goodies, too. Birthdays are happy events, Times when dreams come true. So dream a good dream (a girl who is after you), It just might work for you! Have a beautiful and wonderful birthday. wishes from Uncle Sunny,Aunt Matilda and Ashita Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore



Hearty congratulations to the Newly elected office bearers and Executive Committee members of St.Peter’s Konkani Kutamb(SPKK)Rustham Bagh,off Old Airport Road,Bangalore.May God bless you abundantly and give you strength,courage and wisdom to work for the Konkani Catholics who are under the banner of SPKK, ಸಾ೦ತ್ ಪೆದ್ರು ಕೊ೦ಕ್ಣಿ ಕುಟ್ಮಚ್ಯಾ ನೊವ್ಯಾನ್ ವಿ೦ಚುವ್ನ್ ಆಯ್ಲ್ಯಾ ನೊವ್ಯಾ ಪ೦ಗಡಾಕ್ ಹಾ೦ವು ಮುಚೆ೦ ಉಲ್ಲಾಸ್ ಪಾಟಯ್ತಾ೦ ಆನಿ೦ ಅಮ್ಚ್ಯಾ ಕೊ೦ಕ್ಣಿ ಕೆಥೋಲಿಕಾ೦ ಖಾತಿರ್ ವಾವ್ರು೦ಕ್ ದೇವ್ ತುಮ್ಕಾ೦ ಜ಼ಾಣ್ವಾಯ್ , ದಯ್ರ್ ಅನಿಕ್ ಬೋಳ್ ದೀ೦ವ್ದಿ ಮುಣ್ ಹಾ೦ವು ಮಾಗ್ತಾ೦. Wishing you all the best, Simon Lasrado Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

To all the lovers

To all the lovers

Dear lovers worldwide, On Valentine’s Day we think of those Who make our lives worthwhile, Those gracious, friendly people who We think of with a smile. Valentine’s Day is for expressing affection; Fond thoughts are coming your way; We’ve always had a special connection, So Happy Valentine’s Day to you all. With all the wishes, Simon Lasrado, Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

Ancy D’Souza,Paladka/Vasai

Ancy D’Souza,Paladka/Vasai
Happy Birthday(07/02/2011)

Dear Ancy, On your birthday, I wish for you the fulfillment of all your fondest dreams. I hope that for every candle on your cake You get a wonderful surprise. I wish for you that whatever you want most in life, it comes to you, Just the way you imagined it, or better. I hope you get as much pleasure from our friendship as I do. I wish we were brothers, So I could have known you from the beginning. I look forward to enjoying our friendship For many more of your birthdays. I’m so glad you were born, because you brighten your life and fill it with joy. Happy Birthday Ancy With wishes, Simon Lasrado Bangalore

Simon Francis Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore team team

My sincere thanks to for telecasting live of this FKCA award function on this FEDERATION DAY here in Bangalore and also we congratulate these three eminent personalities like Mr.Ronald Colaco,Fr.Prashanth Valerian Madtha and Dr.Anthony Pais for receiving the extra ordinary FKCA awards for their greatest social good work for the benefit of thousands of thousands mankind globally. This is the first time that a popular Konkani function in Bangalore being telecasted live(directly) by a popular website from Mangalore that is you Mr.Walter Nandalike and your team,for your great service so that most of Bangaloreans who could not attend this function could view this programme, from their houses.Thank you Mr.Melwyn Rodrigues,Director operation of and Mr.Hemacharya(Mr.Stephen Mascarenhas)Editor-in- chief of daijiworld weekly for their teamwork to make this event live and very successful.Special thanks to FKCA Chairman Mr.Valerian Fernandes and his team for this great work.I am happy to say that I was one of the audiences to watch this programme right from the konkani Mass till the end. with wishes, Simon Lasrado Bangalore

Simon Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore

Lavina Prakash,Bangalore

Lavina Prakash,Bangalore
Happy Birthday(29/01/2011)

Dear Lavi, On your birthday we wish you much pleasure and joy. We hope all of your wishes come true. May each hour and minute be filled with delight, And your birthday be perfect for you. Once a year we get the chance To wish you birthday cheer. It pleases us no end to say, We wish you another great year. So we wish HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you dear Lavi, From the bottom of our heart. And may your good times multiply, Till they are flying off the chart. With wishes, Bai,Bavoji and Ashita Bangalore

Simon Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore



Dear Vincy and Philu, Today as both of you look back with happiness and pride Upon these twenty five years that you’ve spent side by side May every memory that you share,of dreams you’ve seen come true Help make this special Silver day,a happy one for you. Be proud of the goals that you have achieved, success you have won And everything you have done. Be confident in knowing, that the future goals you set Will always be in your reach and will be met. Wishing you both a Very Happy Silver Wedding Anniversary, may the years ahead bring good times,good health and life’s best things. Our heartiest congratulations on your great day. With Silvery wishes, Bai Bavoji and Ashita Bangalore

Simon Lasrado, Sullia/Bangalore