Kuwait Canara Welfare Association (KCWA), an organization of Catholics hailing from different parishes of Mangalore and Udupi diocese..
Shirva Festha Saanz, the annual event of USWAS-Shirva will be held at Al Masah Ball Room of Hotel Sheraton Deira, Dubai on February 21.
The Indian embassy in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has warned foreigners against falling prey to online visa scamsters operating a website
The Exhibition was inaugurated by His Excellency Shaikh Ebraheem Duaij E Al Sabah, the Honourable Governor of Ahmadi in typical Indian style
Exchange has always believed in emerging into a model corporate citizen. In its 33+ years of active presence in the industry,....
St. Joseph’s Parish, Monrovia, Liberia celebrated the feast of Don Bosco which was preceded by a novena from the 22nd to 30th of January 2014
Cheering crowd, glittering lights, eye catching stage, rib tickling comedy, hearty laugh, melodious songs, foot tapping dances and celebrity...
An Indian man, described by his lawyer as the "most stupid" person he has encountered in 40 years, has been sentenced to death by a UAE court for murdering a maid.
The annual competitions of Konkani Kutam, Bahrain were held on Friday January 24 at Pappilon Restaurant Hall. In its endeavour to promote Konkani language among children...
A group of Indians from Goa, Karnataka, Mumbai and from the axis of India’s north-south-east-west divide assembled for a simple ribbon...
Bunts Dubai both ladies and gents teams proved supreme in lifting the prestigious KoosammaShambu Shetty Memorial Throwball tournament
The members of Jain Community residing in UAE have come forward to host the first ’Jain Milan Dubai - UAE’ with an aim to bring together ...
Buntara Sangha Kuwait held their annual general body meeting on Friday 10th January, 2014 at the Al Jawhara Al Ahlea School, Riggae.
‘Gammath Kalavider’, UAE, an popular amateur drama troupe has here once again entertained the Tulu art lovers by staging a Tulu comedy and social drama ‘Porlu-Thuper’
Konkani Cultural Organisation (KCO), Abu Dhabi will be organising ’KCO Throwball and Volleyball Tournament 2014’, on January 31...