mangalore today
Tuesday, March 04


Mangalore Today | Mangalore,Udupi News and information updated Every hour,Every day.
Doha: Day Fresh bags 2nd MCC- Voltas Men’s Open Vollyball Trophy

Doha: Day Fresh bags 2nd MCC- Voltas Men’s Open Vollyball Trophy

Day Fresh Bakery bagged the MCC-Voltas Volleyball Trophy in a well fought match against Sanskriti in the second MCC-Voltas Men’s Open Volleyball Tournament played at IIS...

Mangalore Today | Mangalore,Udupi News and information updated Every hour,Every day.
Kuwait: KCWA Christmas Party on 10th Dec 2010.

Kuwait: KCWA Christmas Party on 10th Dec 2010.

Kuwait Canara Welfare Association will celebrate  ’KCWA CHRISTMAS PARTY’ on Friday, 10th December 2010 at Carmel School (basement hall), Khaitan from 4:00 pm to 9:00 p.m...

Mangalore Today | Mangalore,Udupi News and information updated Every hour,Every day.
Billawas Dubai and Northern Emirates to celebrate 13th anniversary on Dec 10

Billawas Dubai and Northern Emirates to celebrate 13th anniversary on Dec 10

Billawas Dubai and Northern Emirates will celebrate their 13th anniversary, to be held on Dec 10 at Jumerirah Ballroom in Crown Plaza Hotel, Dubai...

Mangalore Today | Mangalore,Udupi News and information updated Every hour,Every day.
Mangalore Konkans’ Family Fiesta at Sharjah on Dec 3

Mangalore Konkans’ Family Fiesta at Sharjah on Dec 3

‘Family Fiesta 2010’, the annual family-oriented event with Christmas theme, of Mangalore Konkans Dubai, will be presented at Sharjah Wanderers Sports Club, Sharjah...

Mangalore Today | Mangalore,Udupi News and information updated Every hour,Every day.
Seetharam Kateel to Perform Yakshagana in Dubai

Seetharam Kateel to Perform Yakshagana in Dubai

Seetharam Kateel, who has carved out a niche for himself in both forms of Yakshagana art, Tenku Tittu and Badagu Tittu, through his talented portrayals of comic roles, is set to perform in Dubai...

Mangalore Today | Mangalore,Udupi News and information updated Every hour,Every day.
Qatar: ’Mangalorean Day’  celebrated

Qatar: ’Mangalorean Day’ celebrated

Enthused by its hugely successful  ’Mangalorean Day’  celebrated over the last 2 years, Mangalore Cricket Club (MCC), Qatar, organized the 3rd  ’Mangalorean Day’...

Mangalore Today | Mangalore,Udupi News and information updated Every hour,Every day.
Kuwait: United Mangaloreans Contribute Rs 9 Lacs for Charity

Kuwait: United Mangaloreans Contribute Rs 9 Lacs for Charity

United Mangaloreans Kuwait won the hearts of the audience with their onkani comedy drama “Kasale Grachar Saiba”...

Mangalore Today | Mangalore,Udupi News and information updated Every hour,Every day.
Doha: MCC’s Annual Picnic Trip to Al Shamal Gardens – Ruwais

Doha: MCC’s Annual Picnic Trip to Al Shamal Gardens – Ruwais

Mangalore Cricket Club (MCC) Qatar, organized a day out to Al Shamal Gardens, Ruwais on the first day of Eid Al Adha, Nov 16, 2010

Mangalore Today | Mangalore,Udupi News and information updated Every hour,Every day.
Yakub Mar Elias is President of Brahmavar Orthodox Konkani Community

Yakub Mar Elias is President of Brahmavar Orthodox Konkani Community

The newly-formed Brahmavar Orthodox Konkani Community of UAE held its first meeting with Yakub Mar Elias, the Brahmavar Diocesan Metropolitan...

Mangalore Today | Mangalore,Udupi News and information updated Every hour,Every day.
MKCA to celebrate Natal Fest 2010 in Chicago

MKCA to celebrate Natal Fest 2010 in Chicago

The Mangalorean Konkan Catholic Association (MKCA) members of Chicago are planning yet another great Natal Fest 2010. The 9th Annual Christmas Celebration will be held on...

Mangalore Today | Mangalore,Udupi News and information updated Every hour,Every day.
MCA Qatar honors GVOM winners and Inaugurates Gulf Voice of Mangalore 2012

MCA Qatar honors GVOM winners and Inaugurates Gulf Voice of Mangalore 2012

Mangalore Cultural Association, Doha Qatar honored Preema Pinto the runner up of Gulf Voice of Mangalore (Female category) and Rupert Lobo who was qualified...

Mangalore Today | Mangalore,Udupi News and information updated Every hour,Every day.
Bradley of Mangalorean origin wins National Scholar award

Bradley of Mangalorean origin wins National Scholar award

Bradly Ivan D’Souza, the 15-year-old son of Harold and Dancy D’Souza of Bajpe, will be awarded the title of “National Scholar” in Washington DC in March 2011....

Mangalore Today | Mangalore,Udupi News and information updated Every hour,Every day.
Tiatr ‘Futtleli Boxi’ Staged in Abu Dhabi

Tiatr ‘Futtleli Boxi’ Staged in Abu Dhabi

Mario Menezes and his troupe presented their 25th tiatr production of Menezes Theatre, ‘Futtleli Boxi’ at Abu Dhabi Folklore and Theatre Society, next to Zyed University.....

Mangalore Today | Mangalore,Udupi News and information updated Every hour,Every day.
Pearls Abu Dhabi Successfully staged Dabazo 2010

Pearls Abu Dhabi Successfully staged Dabazo 2010

Pearls of Mangalore a Konkani musical troupe based in Abu Dhabi showed to the Konkani Community how they can lift Konkani talent and exhibit them on the stage.

Mangalore Today | Mangalore,Udupi News and information updated Every hour,Every day.
Sharjah:  Mayura Cup Tournament 2010- held

Sharjah: Mayura Cup Tournament 2010- held

The Karnataka Sangha Sharjah, an organization for Kannadigas, organized a sports event called Mayura Cup Tournament 2010 at Wanderer’s Club Sharjah on Nov 12, Friday...