Excitement is in the air! FAMAD Pernal’s ‘Humaid Al Suwaidi RANG TARANG 2010’ will be a high-quality musical battle among four finalist couples for glory and glamour. Indeed, it will...
The third annual get together of Manipal Alumni Association, Canada was celebrated at Natraj Banquet hall in Mississauga here, recently. ..
Al Rathath Kuwait organized its maiden Womens’ Throw ball Tournament on Friday, 16th April 2010, at American International School indoor grounds, Maidan Hawally...
James Mendonca, the renowned leader, entrepreneur, and social worker of the Konkani-speaking Catholic community of Mangalore, has bagged the annual “Mayura” award of the...
Friday being holiday in Dubai, my host, Elias suggested that we could take a long ride to Fujairah and back and see the countryside of the Sharjah and Fujairah country side...
The 7th International Trade Exhibition for Construction Technology, Building Materials, Equipment and Environmental Technology was held from 12 to 15 April 2010 at Doha...
Mangalorean Day 2010, a day-long cultural festival, was organized at Abu Dhabi Sheraton on April 16, Friday. The programme was organized by the Konkani Cultural...
Popular artists and renowned Tulu personalities will be invited to participate in the annual day celebrations of Tulu Koota Qatar, which...
‘Jokulatike’, the first ever Tulu telefilm, to be presented by Jyothish Shetty in association with UAE Tulukoota, Dubai, an event which the people here have been eagerly waiting...
The parishioners of St Sebastian’s Church, Bendore, Mangalore, will be organizing their first ever get-together on Friday April 23, 2010 ...
Since ancient times, Muscat has been known as a trading port and commercial center serving the Gulf, the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean. Muscat is a world class...
In true musical crescendo, the evening of Friday April 9th2010, blew cold at first and then blew hot …and hot and then got fiery in its climax!...
The annual general body meeting of the Mangalorean United Konkani Association (MUKA) was held on Sunday April 4, 2010, at Bramcote Memorial Hall, Nottingham...
Kuwait Canara Welfare Association (KCWA) proudly presents the mega event of the year KALA MILAN - 2010 On Friday 9th April 2010, at 4:40pm Sharp At American International...
Shaikh Mohammed honoured Dubai Quality Award winners who have made commendable contributions to raising the bar of creativity and business excellence during 2009...