Kuwait, Oct 20, 2022: The new team of office bearers of Indian Doctors Forum (IDF) was elected unanimously for a term of two years, 2022- 24 at the IDF Annual General Body Meeting at hotel Regency on October 7.
The new team of Office Bearers is lead by Dr. Diwakara Chaluvaiah.
The new team of Indian Doctors Forum(IDF) is
President- Dr Diwakara Chaluvaiah
Vice presidents - Dr Sameer Humad and Dr Ananthpriya
General secretary - Dr Thomas Koshy George
Treasurer - Dr Sunny Joseph Varghese
Joint general secretary - Dr Ashok Deb
Joint treasurer - Dr Jibin John
Cultural secretary - Dr Pooja Chodankar
Joint cultural secretary - Dr Fabisha Nidal
Secretary Community services - Dr Syed Rahman
Joint secretary community services - Dr Rayavarum Raghunandam
Membership secretary - Dr Imtiyaz Nawaz
Joint membership secretary - Mohammad Umar
Communication secretary - Dr Aditiya Raina
Joint communication secretary - Dr Piyush Bafna
The highlight of the function was felicitations of all out going OB members and former presidents in a classical Indian traditional way. It was followed by a entertaining & fabulous cultural show by the IDF members and their family. The final event was a raffle draw for members. The activities of IDF includes community services such as the Health camps, School Health programs, Community health Seminars, Annual Health Guide and other activities for community services in conjunction with other Indian associations in Kuwait under patronage of the parent Kuwait Medical association.
IDF established in 2004, is affiliated to the Kuwait Medical Association (KMA). IDF was bestowed with the prestigious Bharatiya Pravasi Award in 2013 by the president of India, the late Pranab Mukherjee. IDF has more than 500 Indian doctors members. Every year IDF conducts many free medical camps which benefits a huge section of the needy expat community. During the Covid pandemic IDF undertook free teleconsultations 24/7 and counseling, and conducted health awareness webinars for the community.