Media ReleaseKuwait, Jun 19: The Queen of Arabia Konkani Community Ahmadi (QAKCA) was inaugurated at Our Lady of Arabia Church, Ahmadi here on Tuesday June 15 with Pascal Pinto at the helm as president.
The other prominent members of the newly formed QAKCA includes Fr John Harry D’Souza as spiritual director, Stanley Machado as vice-president, Stephen Sequeira as secretary, Sunita Lewis as joint secretary, Georgina Fernandes as treasurer, Prescilla Pereira as liturgical co-ordinator, Ivan D’Almeida as music co-ordinator, Henry Castelino as cultural co-ordinator, Clara Fernandes as media person and Antony Gomes as sports co-ordinator.
As its inaugural event, QAKCA organized the feast of St Antony, the Miracle Saint, which was attended by a large number of devotees.