mangalore today

QAKCA, Kuwait- organized a Singing Competition

Kuwait, 22 August 2010: In preparation for the Nativity Feast, Queen of Arabia Konkani Community Ahmadi, Kuwait (QAKCA, Kuwait) organized a Singing Competition both Solo and Group.  The Devotional Hymns dedicated to Mother Mary was the theme of the Singing Competition. 


Initially 2 singers were selected during the ward meeting from the respective wards and those singers would represent the Ward at the Finals.  Each ward was also encouraged to form a Group for the Finals.  The final singing competition was held on Friday 20th August 2010 in the church of Our Lady of Arabia after the 11 AM Konkani mass.  There were 14 Solo singers and 7 Groups.


We had 3 esteemed Judges

1) Francis D’Souza,
2) Joe D’Souza,
3) Melwyn D’Souza

These Judges were those who had excelled themselves in Devotional music.  As the competition commenced the Solo singers were called upon to present their singing.  Each solo singer was given 2 minutes of time.  After which the Group Competition followed with the time limit of 4 minutes for each group.


At the completion of the singing competition Fr. John Harry D’Souza appreciated all the singers who came forward and encouraged them by saying, participation is more important than winning.  He also gave us a message from the Book of St. Paul “In a race many run but only one wins.” Fr. Harry said that even if there is only one winner at any competition but rest of them are equally important as they are responsible for the winning of that one person.


Finally the results of the Solo and the Group Singing Competition were tabulated and the results were as follows:

Solo winners

1. Edward D’Souza
2. Gladys Lorenha
3. Thelma D’Souza

The results of the Group Singing Competition were as follows:

1. Milagres Ward
2. Fatima Ward
3. Nithyadar Ward


All the winners were congratulated by Fr Harry and the ones who have lost were encouraged to perform better in the next up-coming competition.

Note:  There will also be 9 days of Konkani Novena from the 1st September - 9th September 2010.  During the week the masses will be at 5 PM in the evening followed by the Novena and showering of flowers to Mother Mary.  On the week -ends the mass timings will be at 11 AM followed by the Novena.


Courtesy: Bellevision Media