Media Release
Manchester (UK), 23 October 2010: KCAUK held its Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) at the St. Margaret’s Hall Burnage Manchester on 6th October 2010.
The event was brilliantly compeered by Mr.Santhosh Sequeira. In his introduction to the AGM, he explained the origin of KCAUK and invited the new committee to the dais and take forward the AGM meeting.
The AGM commenced with the prayer led by Mrs.Lainet Pinto. The President of KCAUK Mr. Stany Rodrigues welcomed the gathering. He requested the members of the Association to ensure that this event is utilized to its best for the future development of the Association.
The treasurer of the Association Mr. Ronald Lobo updated the financial status of the Association to the members. He assured to communicate to the members the updates on the financial status of the Association on a regular basis. Mr. Lobo also stressed upon the need of an auditor for the Association in the days to come.
Mr. Vinod Barboza, the secretary of the Association appraised the members about the past achievements of KCAUK. He stressed upon the Associations involvement in actively participating in multicultural community events and achieving the merit of Konkani community in the council community mapping. Educating the members on safety, the celebration of the feast of Nativity consecutively for the last five years, participation in the summer fusion, the development of KCAUK website are few of the developments of the Association he added.
Mr.Raj Francis Pereira the vice president of the Association presented the proposed future plans for the year 2010-2012 to the members. He briefed to the members that the new committee administratively took over from the previous committee on September 11th 2010. Due to the scarcity of the time these plans are yet to be finalized by the present committee which will happen in due course of time. He assured that the decision of the committee members and the final plans for the Association will be informed to all the KCAUK members eventually.
All the members of the Association participated in the question and answer session soon after the tea break. All the queries were answered and decisions were taken in the interest of the Associations. Mr.Stany Rodrigues proposed the vote of thanks. He thanked all the members for their outstanding support over the years. The AGM continued with Photo Slide show highlighting the glorious golden memories of KCAUK over the last 5 years.
Soon after this Mr.Vinod Barboza shared his knowledge and expertise about the primary and secondary education system in the UK. This session promoted the room for discussion and the members were able to clear their doubts from their minds. Mrs.Anita D’Silva and Mr.Santhosh Pinto entertained the members by conducting various games for the men, women and the children.
The former president of KCAUK Mr.Santhosh Pinto thanked Mrs.Laveena Castelino, Mrs.Diana Lobo, Mrs. Arshiya Pereira, Mrs.Charlotte Barboza, Mrs.Reena Rodrigues Mrs.Lainet Pinto and Mrs.Cecilia Andrade from Manchester, Mrs.Diana Monis and Mrs.Marina Monis from Warrington, Mrs.Evet Pinto from Liverpool and Mr..Keenth D’sa from Herford for generously sponsoring this event. He specially thanked Mr.Richard D’sliva Birmingham, Mr.Alwyn Buthello, and Mr. Martin Saldhana from Manchester, Mr.Cyril Pinto from Warrington and Mr.Ravi Pinto from Liverpool for their efforts in making this event a successful one. He also extended his thanks to Mr.Brazil Gomes for his dedicated support in Sound and Music and Mr.Ronald Lobo for entertaining the gathering as a DJ through out the entertainment session.
The AGM was concluded with delicious dinner for all the members.