mangalore today

SAFECHR’s mega conference spotlights Human Trafficking Eradication Efforts

Mangalore Today News Network

East Chicago, August 2, 2024: In a powerful demonstration of global solidarity against human trafficking, the SAFE (Sex Trafficking Awareness, Freedom, and Empowerment) Coalition for Human Rights (SAFECHR) organized a landmark conference on July 30th at the Indian American Cultural Center in East Chicago. This event coincided with the United Nations World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, a day dedicated to recognizing efforts in combating human trafficking worldwide.




The highlight of the conference was the honoring of Harold D’Souza, a globally renowned activist known for his unwavering commitment to fighting human trafficking and advocating for the rights of survivors. D’Souza’s recognition underscores his profound contributions to the global movement against trafficking, embodying compassion, resilience, and a dedication to social justice.



Honoring a Champion of Human Rights

Harold D’Souza, who has been a pivotal figure in the anti-trafficking movement, has emerged as a beacon of hope and empowerment for survivors around the world. His impactful work has been acknowledged with numerous accolades, including the prestigious ‘Rashtra Prerna Award 2021’ in India, conferred by the World Book of Star Records jury members. Based in the United States, D’Souza’s efforts have been recognized for their extraordinary impact both domestically and internationally.

In 2023, D’Souza received further recognition with the SAFECHR Human Rights Trail Blazer Award. Presented by Dr. Kalyani Gopal, Founder and President of SAFECHR, this accolade celebrated D’Souza’s pioneering efforts in championing human rights. Dr. Gopal, a close collaborator of D’Souza, extended an invitation for him to address this year’s 2024 mega conference, marking another milestone in their joint mission to combat trafficking.

Together, they are spearheading the establishment of a ‘Male Shelter Home,’ a groundbreaking initiative designed to provide essential support and refuge for male survivors of trafficking.

A Call for Awareness and Action

During the conference, Harold D’Souza delivered a compelling address focused on identifying red flags in human labor trafficking. Speaking to an audience that included law enforcement officials, senators, congressmen, attorneys, faith leaders, NGO members, and community stakeholders, D’Souza emphasized the critical importance of recognizing signs of labor trafficking. He highlighted the coercive tactics commonly employed by perpetrators, such as threats of arrest, handcuffing, jailing, and deportation.

In a significant call to action, D’Souza urged attendees to replace the term "illegal" with "undocumented" when referring to immigrant victims, emphasizing the need to humanize their experiences and challenges.

His inspiring speech also outlined key resources available to immigrants, including Continued Presence (C.P.) Status, U or T Visas, Permanent Residency Cards, and ultimately U.S. Citizenship. These resources, he noted, are vital in the journey toward freedom for survivors.

Distinguished Guests and Honorees

The conference featured esteemed guest Consul General Somnath Ghosh of India, Chicago, who was presented with a memento by Harold D’Souza. In 2023, Ghosh, along with Dr. Gopal, had honored D’Souza with the Trail Blazer Award, solidifying their mutual commitment to the fight against trafficking.

Additionally, Ambassador D’Souza, a recipient of the ‘Human Rights Hero Award 2023’ at the United Nations Headquarters, spoke about the 30 Human Rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, established by the United Nations in 1948. D’Souza highlighted key articles, including Article 1: "We are all born free and equal," Article 4: "No slavery," and Article 5: "No torture," as fundamental principles guiding his mission.

Esteemed Collaborations

Harold D’Souza had the distinct honor of sharing his Eyes Open International mission with notable figures such as Earl L. Harris, Jr., Indiana State Representative; Dr. Vijay G. Prabhakar, an internationally renowned public health physician; Dr. Vasavi Chakka; Congressman Frank Mrvan; Senator Mike Braun; Senator Todd Young; and other influential personalities dedicated to social change.

Speaking to the press, D’Souza described the event as “God’s Blessings” and expressed profound gratitude for participating in a prestigious panel alongside top decision-makers and game-changers in the fight for survivors’ rights. The panel included Judge Marissa McDermott, Dr. Kalyani Gopal, Harold D’Souza, Sheriff Jeffery A. Balon, Porter County Prosecutor Gary Germann, and Assistant United States Attorney Thomas McGrath.

A Legacy of Hope and Change

Harold D’Souza’s journey from victim to victor stands as a testament to resilience, faith, and courage. His relentless advocacy and inspirational leadership continue to illuminate the path toward freedom and justice for trafficking survivors worldwide, inspiring a global call to action in the fight against human trafficking.