Press Release
London, 22 December 2010: Entire Britain was covered with the blanket of unprecedented snow for 20 years. People hardly ventured outside their homes. Abandoned and damaged vehicles could be seen on all motorways and roads. It was a catch22 situation for UK Konkans either to cancel or to go ahead with the much anticipated Christmas programme. But many Mangaloreans who hardly find an occasion to meet their friends and relatives thought the show should go on.
Despite all adversities, many Mangaloreans made it to the Addlestone Community Centre. Erica D’Souza, president of UK Konkans welcomed the guests. The multi-talented and vibrant Br.Jerry Dias (SJ) compered the programme. The programme started with carol singing and prayers from Fr Vinod (SJ).
It was a perfect setting for Santa Clause to enter the hall with the ‘Dashing through the Snow’ played by Elton and Elroy D’Souza. Kids were treated with nice goodies and sweets. Young Tia D’Souza entertained the crowd with the beautiful dances. While Irene Lobo Meher gave wonderful bollywood dance performances, Estella Vaz, Praveen D’Costa and Melwyn Vaz entertained the crowd with skits.
Fr Manoj (SJ) said grace before the meals. The crowd was treated with the Punjabi Cuisine and homemade Mangalorean Pork Masala. Tom and Beena lead the ‘Laudate’ hymns after the meals as per Mangalorean tradition.
Tom D’Souza, secretary of UK Konkans proposed vote of thanks for all the people who contributed for the success of the programme. He thanked Mr Richard Lobo and Mrs Christine Lobo for sponsoring all the prizes for kids and adults.