Dubai, June 4: Hale and hearty person by the name of Basheer Mosabba residing in a small town by the name Shirthadi, Karnataka in his late 30 had a sudden death while jogging in Ajman beach on 27of may. Reason of the death has been identified as heart failure. Janab Basheer Mosabba was an individual with a huge build and had a good and pleasing personality. He was known to be friendly to one and all. He was working in Dubai for Hamhemzaideh Trading as an out door sales executive. His body was flown to India on 1st of June and was buried immediately next day in his home town as per his family’s wish. Janab Basheer Mosabba has left behind him his wife and 2 young boys of age 5 and 1 respectively. Few days before his death he was very excited as his family was supposed to join him in Dubai, but fate had decided some thing else.
Janab Basheer was involved in various social organizations and was a very active member of Emirates India Fraternity Forum.
May Allah SWT bless the departed soul in peace and grant him high status in Jannat and bless the aggrieved family with patience to bear this heavy loss.