Mumbai, May 18, 2017: Shikha Tiwari, a disc jockey (DJ) was arrested by the special operations group (SOG) of Rajasthan after she fled with Rs 1 crore to Mumbai. The 21-year-old who is also known as DJ Adaa was caught after she went live on Facebook from her account in the city. While people use technology to commit perfect crimes, in this case, it turned the opposite for this youth. The police were able to easily identify her location after she went live on social media. Shikha works as a DJ in a Mumbai hotel.
Shikha was arrested for allegedly honey trapping high-profile real estate agents and doctors. She was taken into custody after her name surfaced in the honey-trapping case. As per reports, she was part of a blackmailing gang which used to trap people and extort money from people. Following investigations, police arrested 33 members of the gang which includes five girls. The group had managed to extract around Rs 20 crore from people who they blackmailed.
A Jaipur-based doctor is among the people from whom they trapped. Shikha befriended the doctor and got closer to him after which they went for a trip to Pushkar. She then levied him with false rape allegation charges and demanded Rs 2 crore. When he denied giving her the money she told him that she would approach the police. She even lodged a FIR against the doctor when he refused to pay her the money. After which the doctor was arrested and kept in custody for 78 days. After his release, the doctor filed a complaint against Shikha.
The doctor then decided to settle the case and gave her Rs 1 crore and 5 lakh. She fled from there and went to Mumbai where she was tracked down by the police. Rajasthan police who had been searching her for five months finally got hold of her after she went live on Facebook.