Hyderabad, June 04, 2022: In the Hyderabad minor girl rape case, the police arrested a second suspect on Saturday, June 4. One accused, Saduddin Malik, was arrested on Friday. The accused were identified as Saduddin Malik and Omer Khan while three others are minors.
A 17-year-old girl, who went to a club for a party, was allegedly gang-raped by five people inside a car on Saturday, May 28. Initially, it was claimed that the crime took place inside a red Mercedes, belonging to an MLA. However, the police said that the crime took place in another vehicle, an Innova.
Here’s what we know so far:
1) On May 28, the 17-year-old girl had gone to a pub in Hyderabad. She met a boy who allegedly promised to drop her home. She left the club with him and his friends.
2) The minor girl was then allegedly gang-raped by the five accused in a parked car in Jubilee hills.
3) The police registered a case against unknown persons based on a complaint by the girl’s father.
4) Among the five accused, three are minors. Two others were identified as Saduddin Malik and Omer Khan.
5) One accused, Saduddin Malik, was arrested on Friday.
Courtesy: India Today