New Delhi, Feb 03, 2015: A day after a breakaway group of the Aam Aadmi Party accused the party of receiving donations worth Rs 2 crore from bogus companies, the Arvind Kejriwal-led AAP on Tuesday will move the Supreme Court demanding a Special Investigating Team (SIT) probe into the funding of Congress, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its own.
AAP’s response comes after allegations were levelled against it by AAP Volunteer Action Manch (AVAM), a breakaway faction of the AAP.
Kejriwal has confirmed that five leaders of his party - Ashutosh, Kumar Vishwas, Sanjay Singh, Ashish Khetan and Yogendra yadav - will go to SC to request a SIT probe into funding of AAP, BJP and Congress.
The latest development comes after AVAM volunteers alleged a massive scam in the funding of AAP, a claim that was later rejected by Arvind Kejriwal-led party which claimed that all transactions were legitimate.
AVAM, a group of volunteers, had broken away from the AAP in August last year to voice opinion against several aspects of AAP, including lack of "Swaraj" within the organisation.
Addressing a press conference at the Press Club of India, the AVAM on Monday claimed that four bogus companies have made donations amounting to Rs 50 lakhs each to the AAP.
AVAM said that its volunteers had checked out each of the addresses of the donor companies as mentioned in the AAP website and found out that no such companies were running out of the locations.
AVAM added that one of the companies was registered at a address which was located in a shanty.
Faced with allegations of receiving funds from "dubious" companies, the AAP on Monday night demanded a Supreme Court-monitored SIT to probe funding of all three major parties in Delhi polls and said it was ready to face any action if found guilty.
Asserting that it adopted "total transparency" in its funding, AAP’s Yogendra Yadav in a late evening press conference accused BJP of attempting to influence the voters ahead of the February 7 polls by bringing out false allegations.
Courtesy: Zeenews