New Delhi, Sep 11, 2014: The Bagalkot Police on Wednesday filed an FIR against Union Chemicals and Fertilizers Minister Ananth Kumar’s wife Tejaswini, a former MLA and four others in connection with the Basaveshwar Vidya Vardhak Sangh(BVVS) money scam.
Mallana Jiglur, a former member of the BVVS, had filed a complaint against the Union Minister’s wife and five others alleging irregularities and lack of transparency in the financial transactions done to buy the Amrutha Institute of Technology.
The institute, located at Bidadi near Bangalore, comes under the Knowledge Park India Trust and operated with the Basaveshwar Veerashsiva Vidyavargaka Sangha (BVS) in Bagalkote as per a deal worth Rs.24 crore.
The District Court had ordered Bagalkote Police to submit detailed report on the complaint. As a result, an FIR was filed on July 19 this year.
"I have not seen the FIR. We were taking care of Amruta institute for four years. We had taken loans to run the institute. Then I had no time so we requested BVVS who was looking to start a college in Bangalore to take care of the college," Tejaswini Ananth Kumar said.
Reacting to the issue, Union Minister Ananth Kumar said,"We are not aware of this. It seems to be politically motivated. Our transactions are transparent".
Courtesy: Indiatoday