Rampur (UP), June 11, 2015: Reacting on the recent comments by BJP MP Yogi Adityanath on Yoga, UP minister Azam Khan on Thursday said that the saffron leader should "offer namaz to set his mind on the right track". "Although my advice to Yogi about namaz might not be correct but since he wants to use force to adopt any exercise, I am forced to express my opinion. He should rather offer namaz (prayers) that would not only give him physical strength but also put his mind on the right track," he told media yesterday.
The SP leader was referring to the firebrand leader’s comments that those opposing ’Surya namaskar’ should "drown in the sea". Khan maintained that Surya Namaskar was a religious exercise that should not be forced upon others. "As far as religious practices and traditions related to a particular community are concerned one should not be compelled to adopt those," Khan said.
Accusing the Prime Minister Narendra Modi to harbour hatred against minority, the state urban development minister said, "When the BJP maintains enmity against Muslims and asks them to leave India, I urge the Prime Minister, Home Minister and other responsible persons of the government to allot a land where Muslims may be rehabilitated side by side."
Firebrand BJP leader Yogi Adityanath had kicked up a row saying those opposing ’Surya namaskar’ should "drown in the sea" which was decried by Swaraj as "unfortunate". Adityanath’s remarks came after the All-India Muslim Personal Law Board said that it will move the Supreme Court against inclusion of Surya namaskar and Yoga in schools.
Interestingly, Bohra said that AIMPLB’s opposition is for "political gains" and that it works as per the "directions of a particular political party". "A section is trying to make it a political issue. The event is being wrongly interpreted. Yoga has got nothing to do with rituals. We will definitely take part in the event," he said.
A joint statement by the delegation said that several of the postures during Namaz were similar to yoga asanas. Bohra denied that the government had fielded them as a damage control move, saying that they themselves wanted to meet Naik who is coordinating the event. "Many Muslim countries have expressed desire to take part in the event and we would like to do the same," he said.
Courtesy: dnaindia