mangalore today

Blow to Narendra Modi: S C agrees with Gujarat Lokayukta’s appointment

New Delhi, Jan 02: Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi lost a major battle today. The Supreme Court has ruled that that the appointment of retired judge RA Mehta as the state’s Lokayukta or ombudsman is valid.

modi-governor-lokayuktaMr Modi had challenged the appointment on the grounds that the Governor of the state, Kamala Beniwal, had not consulted his Cabinet.

The Supreme Court disagreed. The judges said that the Governor must seek the advice of the Cabinet to select the Lokayukta, and this was done.

In January 2012, the Gujarat High Court had endorsed the appointment of the Lokayukta with this grim feedback on Mr Modi’s decision to challenge it: "The Chief Minister acted under a false impression that he could turn down the superiority and primacy of the opinion of the Chief Justice which was binding. The spiteful and challenging action demonstrates a false sense of invincibility." 

What could cheer up Mr Modi is that today’s  Supreme Court order asks for those remarks to be expunged.