mangalore today

Complete ban on gutka products from Tuesday in Delhi

Mangalore Today/ CNN-IBN

New Delhi, Sept 10: Delhi Government today decided to enforce a blanket ban on manufacturing, sale, storage and display of all gutka products in the city.

The ban will also be imposed on pan masalas and similar products containing nicotine and tobacco.  Delhi Health Minister A K Walia said government is likely to issue a notification to the effect tomorrow to enforce the ban.


Gutka ban


“We have decided to enforce a complete ban on sale, manufacturing, storage, display and transportation of all gutka products in the city,” said a top official.

He said government has taken the decision as gutka products are a health hazard and cause oral and lung cancer.  The file pertaining to imposition of ban on gutka products was cleared by Lt Governor Tejendra Khanna last week. 

A number of states including Maharashtra, Rajasthan Kerala, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar have already announced ban on gutka products. A similar comprehensive ban came into effect in Gujarat today.

“The formal decision to enforce the ban was taken at a high level meeting presided over by Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit,” said the official.

He said ban will be implemented by Prevention of Food Adulteration department and strict action will be taken against the offenders as per provision of Food Safety and Standards Act.

The stringent Act, which was enforced in Delhi in August last year, provides for maximum punishment of life imprisonment and a penalty of up to Rs 10 lakh for those involved in such illegal activities.

Finance Department officials said government may incur an annual revenue loss of around Rs 40 crore due to the ban.