New Delhi, June 08, 2015: The Delhi Government has decided to withdraw a circular that allowed the controversial two-finger test on rape survivors, sources told NDTV. Action will be taken against those who signed the circular.
Women’s rights activists have objected to this test for years, claiming it leads to judging the woman. In 2013, the Supreme Court held that the test violates the woman’s right to privacy, and asked the government to provide better medical procedures to confirm sexual assault.
But the circular, sent on the May 31, said the test could be allowed under certain conditions and its purpose was not to judge the woman.
The circular said, "To do away with this essential pelvic examination would amount to incomplete assessment of the survivor, which will ultimately result in injustice and low conviction rates."
But it had also added that "informed consent" of the woman should be taken before conducting the test.
Courtesy: NDTV