Raichur, Nov 10, 2016: In another embarrassing incident by a Karnataka politician, Tanveer Sait, Education Minister was caught on tape watching porn during Tipu Jayanti celebration in Raichur on Thursday. According to reports by local channel NewsS9, the Primary and Secondary Education Minister was watching porn on his mobile phone, although the matter has not been confirmed yet by any official figure.
The channel ran a footage of the minister viewing pictures of ‘skimpily-clad’ women while he was on stage during the celebrations that had been organised to tribute to Tipu Sultan. Sultan was the king of Mysore and had fought against the British for its freedom. The Minister was shown browsing through the photographs of women as other speakers were praising the brave acts of Tipu Sultan.
While no statement has been issued officially by the Congress party or the minister himself, BJP has demanded the resignation of Sait. BJP leader K S Eshwarappa told ToI that Sait had no moral authority to continue as a Minister and must resign with immediate effect. Earlier in 2012, two BJP MLAs had been caught watching porn on their cell phones in the parliament, which makes this the second such scandal to surface in the state of Karnataka.