New Delhi, Nov 02, 2022: Elon Musk has finally taken over Twitter after a months-long fight. With that, the billionaire has made not only some structural changes within the organization, but also some changes for Twitter users. In one of the latest updates, Musk announced that to get a blue tick on Twitter, users will need to pay $8 per month, which roughly translates to around Rs 660 monthly.
The Twitter chief believes introducing a subscription model is the only way to ditch the spam bots issue, which he feels is the most annoying problem with Twitter.
Twitter Blue tick details
The $8 per month price is for the United States and Musk said that the price will be “adjusted by country proportionate to purchasing power parity.” Musk announced that “Twitter’s current lords and peasants system for who has or doesn’t have a blue checkmark is bullshit.”
Since the talks of Musk taking over Twitter started, the billionaire clarified his intention to reduce Twitter’s reliance on ads for revenue in favor of subscriptions. Some of the recent media reports stated that Musk would charge $20 per month for blue tick verification, but that will not be the case the billionaire has now clarified.
Currently, there are no charges for blue tick. Users just need to fill out a verification form that Twitter offers for all users along with additional documents. Following this, a dedicated verification team at Twitter verifies all details submitted by the user and notifies whether or not the verification is approved.
Musk hasn’t yet announced when the new pricing for blue tick verification will come into effect. Neither has he officially confirmed that all features will be offered under the $8 subscription plan. The billionaire believes that the blue subscription will give the company “a revenue stream to reward content creators.”
Meanwhile, a lot has been happening at Twitter ever since Musk’s takeover. He fired some of the top Twitter executives, including Parag Agrawal, Vijaya Gadde, Ned Segal, and some of the other board members. Agrawal has also removed “CEO of Twitter” from his Twitter profile bio and so has Gadde, who was the head of legal and policy at the firm for the last several years.
Courtesy: India Today