Bengaluru, April 08, 2022: The Karnataka police have lodged a First Information Report (FIR) against state Minister for Rural Development and Panchayat Raj KS, Eshwarappa for his provocative statements in connection with Bajrang Dal activist Harsha murder case in Shivamogga district, police said on Friday, April 8. The Doddapete police in Shivamogga have lodged a complaint and taken up the investigation as per the direction of a special court in this regard. The FIR has also been lodged against Shivamogga BJP corporator Channabasappa. The FIR was lodged on the complaint by Shivamogga resident Riyaz Ahmad.
Riyaz, in his complaint, stated that because of the communal incitement and statements of provocation by minister Eshwarappa, Shivamogga city witnessed violence after the murder of Harsha. He had approached the Doddapete police station earlier with his complaint, however the police had refused to lodge his complaint, he alleged. In a press conference after Harsha’s murder, Eshwarappa had suggested that Harsha’s killers were Muslims, and had said that such “goondaism” would not be allowed in Shivamogga.
The FIR comes after Riyaz had moved the Special Court for People’s Representatives, which is a metropolitan magistrate’s court that only deals with cases against MPs and MLAs. After hearing the matter, the court ordered the police to investigate the matter.
Bajrang Dal leader Harsha, who was 28 years old, was found murdered in Shivamogga in February. His death had sparked violent protests across Shivamogga. Prohibitory orders were clamped after incidents of violence and arson were reported. A day after Harsha’s death, violence broke out during the funeral procession — which was headed by Eshwarappa — during which some people were injured. Six people were later arrested in the case of Harsha’s death. The police ruled out the possibility that he was killed by those protesting the hijab ban.
Courtesy: The News Minute