Bangalore, August 8, 2014: The Karnataka state Lokayukta police conducted simultaneous anti-corruption raids on 13 government officials at 42 premises in 11 districts across the state to unearth illegal assets to the tune of Rs 24 crore, here on Thursday. Among the 13 government servants are five police officers.
Among the police officers who were raided are the assistant commissioner of police (Ulsoor Gate) Siddaramaiah, a Deputy Superintendent of Police (internal security division- Mysore) Sundar Raj.
The simultaneous raids were conducted at various places in Bangalore City, Bangalore Urban, Bellary, Chamarajanagara, Chitradurga, Dharwad, Mandya, Mysore, Ramanagara, Shimoga and Tumkur districts.
The Lok Ayukta ADGP H N Sathyanarayan Rao said that the tainted officials would have their disproportionate assets confiscated by the government in the future.
The details of assets of the officials who were raided by the police are:
N Hanumantharaya, Police Inspector, Bangalore:
His total asset and expenditure is Rs 1.12 crore against an estimated income of Rs 55 lakh.
NT Srinivasa Reddy, Police Inspector, Bangalore:
His total asset and expenditure is Rs 1.36 crore and estimated income is Rs 44 lakh.
Jayaram, ZP Member, Bangalore :
His total asset and expenditure is Rs16.54 crore, and estimated income is Rs 6.5 crore.
Krishnappa, Bill Collector in Chikkajala Gram Panchayath, Bangalore Rural:
His total asset and expenditure is Rs 54.57 lakh and estimated income is Rs 6.59 lakh.
TM Shekshawalli alias Vali Sab, FDA, ZP Bellary:
His total asset and expenditure is Rs1.59 crore, and estimated income is Rs 50 lakh.
HP Rangarama Nayaka, Joint Director, Karnataka Rural Infrastructure Development Ltd, Bangalore:
His total asset and expenditure is Rs 2.81 crore, and estimated income is Rs 94.6 lakh.
D Rudramuni, Executive Officer, Taluk Panchayath, Monakalmur:
His total asset and expenditure is Rs1.12 crore and estimated income is Rs 46 lakh.
Andanagowda S Patil, Chief Engineer, Upper Tunga Project, Shimoga:
His total asset and expenditure is Rs 3.62 crore, and estimated income is Rs 1.42 crore.
Niranjanmurthy, D group employee, Labor department, Hospet:
His total asset and expenditure is Rs1.16 crore and estimated income is Rs 28 lakh.
Puttaswamy, Police sub-inspector, CESCOM Vigilance Cell, Mandya:
His total asset and expenditure is Rs one crore, and estimated income is Rs 32 lakh.
Siddaramaiah, ACP, Ulsoor Gate Sub-division, Bangalore:
His total asset and expenditure is Rs2.46 crore, and estimated income is Rs 72 lakh.
KS Sundar Raj, DSP, Mysore:
His total asset and expenditure is Rs1.43 crore and estimated income is Rs 50 lakh.
CS Jagadeesh, Meter Reader, MESCOM, Shimoga:
His total asset and expenditure is Rs3.89 crore, and estimated income is Rs 97 lakh.