mangalore today

Former BJP chief Bangaru Laxman found guilty of corruption, arrested

Mangalore Today News Network

New Delhi, April 27, 2012 : Former BJP chief Bangaru Laxman found guilty of corruption, arrestedNew Delhi:  Former BJP president Bangaru Laxman has been found guilty of accepting a bribe by a Delhi court. He has been convicted under the Prevention of Corruption Act for misusing his office and for attempting to influence another public official.

He has been arrested and will be sentenced tomorrow.  Sources say he faces a maximum of seven years in jail.

In 2001, news organization conducted a sting. A reporter posing as an arm dealer offered Mr Laxman one lakh as a kickback for a contract. Hidden cameras caught Mr Laxman accepting the bribe.

Mr Laxman accepted the money in return for hiring the company to supply hand-held thermal imagers to the Indian Army.




"The BJP should introspect about their six years in government...the conviction of their former president should show the BJP that those who live in glasshouses should not throw stones at others, " said Congress spokesperson Manish Tewari.

