Bengaluru: April 4, 2015, DHNS: Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Friday said action would be taken in accordance with the law against K Mahesh, the attendant at Pragathi School and PU College, who is accused of shooting to death a second PU student, Gauthami, at the college hostel in Kadugodi on Tuesday night.
Siddaramaiah made the assurance to Ramesh, Gauthami’s father, who met him at his residence here on Friday. Pavagad MLA Thimmarayappa and MLC T A Sharavana accompanied Ramesh to Siddaramaiah’s residence.
Ramesh, who runs a medical store at Pavagad in Tumakuru district, narrated the trauma of his family members, as he lost his only child. He urged the chief minister to ensure justice for Gauthami’s murder by taking strict action against Mahesh. Siddaramaiah told Ramesh that he understood the trauma of the family and would ensure measures to prevent such instances in future.
Speaking to reporters after meeting Siddaramaiah, Ramesh said that he sought justice from the chief minister. “Siddaramaiah told me that the police have already arrested Mahesh and are interrogating him. He promised me that action will be taken against him as per the law,” Ramesh said. Ramesh also urged the government to shut down Pragathi School and PU College, where the incident occurred.
Meanwhile, Minister for Woman and Child Development, Umashree, visited Manipal Hospital to enquire about the health of Shirisha, a first year PU student of Pragathi School and PU College, who was injured after she was shot by Mahesh.
The minister said the State government would bear the medical expenses of Shirisha who had undergone a surgery on Wednesday. Shirisha’s father B R Srinath said her condition had improved and she had been shifted from the ICU to the ward.
Umashree said a few educational institutions had failed to follow safety guidelines. She said she would discuss the matter with Primary and Secondary Education Minister Kimmane Ratnakar and urge him to act in this regard.