Mexico, Oct 14, 2016 : While he was inside a cage in the ocean, a great white shark forced its way in. It’s tough to watch, but it’s all on cameras.The shark didn’t intend to attack. It was reportedly biting a line on which a piece of tuna was fixed as bait report international sites.
When a great white shark lunges and bites something, it is temporarily blinded. They also cannot swim backwards. So this shark lunged at the bait, accidentally hit the side of the cage, was most likely confused and not able to swim backwards, it thrust forward and broke the metal rail of the cage," described the man who posted the video on YouTube.
Witnesses on a boat managed to open the top of the cage, from which the shark swam back into the ocean.
The footage shows the diver who was stuck inside the cage with the shark then making his way out off an island in Mexico.
"The diver is a very experienced dive master, remained calm, and when the shark thrashed back outside the cage, the diver calmly swam back up and climbed out completely uninjured," said the man who posted the video.