Mysore, Sep 30 2017 DH: Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Saturday said that he will be performing the Nandi Dwaja pooja rituals in next year Dasara too and asked is there any doubt in that. He was talking to the press persons and said, “I will be worshipping Nandi Post in the next year Dasara festival also, Is there any doubt in that?
Every year it’s the Chief Minister of Karnataka will perform pooja to the Nandi Post in Amba Vilas palace premises before the beginning of Dasara procession.
He said, “Karnataka has received a good amount of rainfall. There is no scarcity of fodder and water this year. Almost all the dams are full. We have given a good governance as we promised. I am sure we will be coming back to power next year and will worship Nandi post in next year Dasara too.”