Pune, April 06: In a joint operation by the Intelligence Bureau (IB) and the National Investigation Agency (NIA), a man from Bhatkal in north Karnataka was detained at the Pune international airport on Tuesday morning while reportedly trying to flee the country to join the banned Islamic State (IS).
In a joint operation by the Intelligence Bureau (IB) and the National Investigation Agency (NIA), a man from Bhatkal in north Karnataka was detained at the Pune international airport on Tuesday morning while reportedly trying to flee the country to join the banned Islamic State (IS).
The man, identified as Ismail Musab Abdul Rawoof (34), was about to leave India for Dubai by (IX) Air India 211 flight for his onward journey to Syria.
A Look Out Circular (LOC) had earlier been issued by the Union Home Minister against Rawoof.
Sources said Rawoof’s name had cropped up during Internet chats with members of the Islamic State members.
They said he was being questioned by various security agencies after which he would be handed over to NIA.
In total, 23 youths from various states across the country have been arrested by the NIA for allegedly floating a home-grown terror outfit, Janood-ul-Khalifa-e-Hind, which claims to support the Islamic State.