mangalore today

If my sister runs away, I will kill her: UP DIG

Mangalore Today / CNN-IBN

New Delhi, May 9: A top-ranking police official in Uttar Pradesh has sparked a controversy by openly advocating honour killings. The official in question is Satish Kumar Mathur, the DIG of Saharanpur Range. Mathur was caught on camera saying that if his own sister ever eloped he would kill her or commit suicide.


UP -DIGMathur made this shocking statement when he was routinely inspecting police stations and met a man whose daughter had allegedly run away. "This is a matter of great shame," this was the reply of Mathur when a man went for help to find out his missing daughter.

"If anybody’s sister or daughter flees away then he should commit suicide by getting drowned in water. If she was my sister, then I would have shot her dead or would kill myself," he said.

The National Commission for Women (NCW) has called for Mathur’s suspension.

"The statement of the DIG is irresponsible and he must be suspended immediately. Is this what they are being taught in the police force? This is very disturbing. The DIG should be suspended without further ado," NCW chairperson Mamta Sharma said.