Chennai, Oct 26, 2016: To pray for Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa, who has been in hospital for over a month, over 3,000 members of the ruling AIADMK joined a yagna or ritual in Chennai on Tuesday. Some 200 priests presided over the mass prayers.
The "108 Mrityunjay Yagna" was organized by lawmaker R Vetrivel, a Jayalalithaa loyalist who has spent a fortune on prayers for his unwell leader.
Tuesday’s ritual - his 15th in a month - cost the two-time legislator Rs. 35 lakh, sources say.
"We worship her like anything. We want her to come back fully recovered," said Mr Vetrivel.
Last year, he famously resigned from the state assembly so Ms Jayalalithaa could contest from his constituency. He shifted to another constituency.
Vats of ghee and firewood, fruits, flowers and almonds were used as fuel for the ritual pyre. Images showed thousands of plates full of grains and spices arranged around the priests.
Among the thousands at the prayers, a majority were women supporters who were all gifted identical saris.
"This is like rebirth for her. She will be the next Chief Minister too," gushed S Muniyamma.
A Anandhi from Ms Jayalalithaa’s constituency said: "God will not abandon us. We have come for these prayers with so much faith..."
The 68-year-old Chief Minister and AIADMK chief has been in Chennai’s Apollo hospital since September 22. Her finance minister O Panneerselvam has taken over her portfolios and has presided over cabinet meetings with her picture prominent on his desk.
AIADMK members, who have often been seen bowing to Ms Jayalalithaa or even touching her feet reverently, are known to take their devotion to spectacular heights.
Accused of sycophancy by some critics for organizing expansive prayers, Mr Vetrivel said dismissively: "These are silly allegations."