Bengaluru, April 30, 2022: Karnataka Health Minister Dr K Sudhakar has offered Rs 5 lakh to the 24-year-old girl who was attacked with acid late Thursday night in Bengaluru.
Speaking to reporters after visiting the girl who is being treated in the intensive care unit of St John’s Medical College Hospital, Dr Sudhakar said the government will not spare the man who is responsible for the heinous act. He spoke to the survivor and expressed solidarity with her family, and told them the government stands with them, and assured that the treatment of the girl will be taken care by the government.
Condemning the acid attack, he said that this is an inhuman incident which is shameful and unbecoming of a civilised society. Cases like these must go to trial in fast track courts and culprits must be punished quickly. "Only then can we send a stern message to such anti-social elements and set a deterrent," he said.
"The Health and Family Welfare Department will extend all support for the treatment of the survivor," he added.
The girl has suffered 35% burn injuries and the skin graft necessary for treatment will be sourced from the skin bank at Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute (BMCRI).
"I have decided to personally give Rs 5 lakh to the survivor. Our govt will ensure all support to the victim and her family, be it treatment, rehabilitation and securing the future of the girl. We as a society need to collectively think and act to ensure that such incidents are not repeated and work towards building a safe environment for women," Sudhakar said.
Courtesy: Deccan Herald