Thiruvananthapuram, July 25, 2022: A man was allegedly beaten up by police personnel for objecting to them urinating outside the walls of his house. The incident occurred near Kilimanoor in Kerala on Saturday, July 23. The man later approached the police to file a complaint against the officers, however, he alleged that no action was taken on his complaint, various procedures like recording his statement were delayed, and that they repeatedly tried to settle the matter. However, an officer of Kilimanoor police station said that an FIR was lodged on Saturday afternoon itself when the incident happened, and that the accused were also suspended.
While refusing to give details of the FIR or the sections under which the accused were booked, the officer said they were released on station bail after their arrest was recorded. According to reports, the complainant is a railway department officer Rajanish, who is currently under treatment in a hospital. The two offending police personnel have been suspended.
According to Rajanish, the accused are posted at Changanassery police station in Kottayam district of Kerala and were on their way to a police association meeting when the incident occurred. The complainant told a TV channel that when he objected to the accused urinating outside the boundary wall of his home, they hit him on both sides of the head and also injured his hands. Thereafter, they left the scene in a vehicle, which he chased down and removed its key, the complainant said. Subsequently, the accused again beat him up to get the key back, he alleged.
When he filed a complaint at Kilimanoor police station, they delayed the procedures as police personnel were involved, the complainant alleged. He also said that he will take up the matter in court in view of his injuries, as well as on account of the harm caused to his reputation. The man also alleged that since the incident occurred, he has received several calls from the police to settle the matter.
Courtesy: The News Minute