Thrissur, July 07, 2022: Malayalam film actor Sreejith Ravi was arrested Thursday for allegedly flashing two schoolgirls in Kerala’s Thrissur district, said the police. The Thrissur West police booked Sreejith, 46, under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (Pocso) Act based on the complaint of the parents of the two minors, aged 9 and 14.
According to the complainants, an unidentified person in a black car exhibited nudity in front of the children at S N Park in the Ayyanthole area of Thrissur on Monday, July 4.
During their investigation, the police examined CCTV visuals of the area to find the car and came to know that it was owned by Sreejith. “The complainant children identified the accused. The First Information Report (FIR) was registered and he was taken to court,” a police officer was quoted as saying by the news agency PTI.
Sreejith, who is the son of veteran actor T G Ravi, has been charged under several sections of the Pocso Act, including 11 (1) and 12.
This is not the first time Sreejith has been booked under the Pocso Act. In 2016, he was arrested by the Ottappalam police in the state’s Palakkad district for allegedly flashing at a group of nearly 15 school-going girls and taking photographs of them. Sreejith, who had denied the accusations back then, was granted bail.
Sreejith, a mechanical engineer by qualification, has made a name for himself in supporting and villain roles in more than 60 Malayalam films since 2005. He has featured in a couple of Tamil movies too. Punyalan Agarbattis, Godha, and Ramaleela are some of his notable flicks. He has also dubbed for his father T G Ravi in a few movies.
Courtesy: Indian Express