Bengaluru: July 20, 2015: A man was arrested after a female Kannada actor lodged a complaint with Ashok Nagar police alleging that she was molested by him at a pub on Residency Road on Saturday night.
The complainant was at the pub with a few of her friends when Prashanth, a civil contractor, allegedly molested her and passed lewd remarks. Ashok Nagar police arrested Prashanth, a resident of Jayanagar, following the complaint. He was booked under Section 354 of Indian Penal Code for outraging the modesty of a woman. Sources say that Prashanth has a criminal past and is an accused in the infamous BML Krishnappa murder case near Arishinakunte in 2012.
A senior police official said that even though the complainant had only named Prashanth, they were tracking down Prashanth’s friends who were with him when the incident occurred to question them about the same. Police are also questioning the pub’s staff apart from analysing the CCTV camera footage at the pub.