Tamil Nadu, Aug 24, 2018 : Tamil Nadu Chief Minister EK Palaniswami on Friday rejected Kerala’s “false and baseless” claims that excess water released from the Mullaperiyar dam had caused the Kerala floods, news agency ANI reported.
“Kerala’s accusations towards Tamil Nadu are false and baseless. If you say, excess water was discharged from one dam (Mullaperiyar) then how did water reach all parts of Kerala? The excess discharge of water from 80 dams caused flood in Kerala,” he said as the Supreme Court directed that the water in the 142-foot dam situated in Kerala but serves Tamil Nadu be maintained at 139 feet till August 31.
“Water from Mullaperiyar Dam was released one week after the floods struck Kerala. It was not done immediately after the floods. Three warnings were issued, first at 139 feet. second at 141 feet and third warning at 142 feet.Water was released in a phased manner,” Palaniswami added.
Kerala had told the apex court on Thursday that Tamil Nadu’s failure to control release of water from the Mullaperiyar dam till the reservoir reached its full capacity was one of the reasons for the flash floods in Kerala that killed over 350 people and damaged property worth thousands of crores.
courtesy: HT