Mumbai, Jan 07, 2017: Parents of a 5-year-old girl in Kandivali of Mumbai filed an FIR against a school after their daughter’s finger was dismembered in a tragic incident. The terrifying incident took place in Thakur International School in Kandivali on Wednesday.
Five-year-old Jeevika Mistry studies in Senior KG in Thakur International School in Kandivali. Jeevika’s finger was reportedly crushed between door hinges. The family came to know about the incident after the school called them to inform that Jeevika was injured.
Speaking to India Today Hemant Mistry said that the incident was a result of the carelessness of the teachers and school administration. He said that for the school the cries of his daughter did not merit the need for emergency medical attention.
Hemant Mistry said that his wife who got a call from the school was asked to pick up Jeevika. however, the school did not mention the gravity of the injury caused to the girl. At first the family, thought it was a minor injury, however, they were appalled to learn that her finger was dismembered. The family said that the school authorities did not took their daughter to the hospital and waited for them to rush her to the hospital. The family alleged that Jeevika’s finger got crushed between the frames of the door when her teacher closed it.
They added that instead of rushing Jeevika to the hospital along with the dismembered finger - which could have been reattached, had the school acted in time the teacher and the school administration thought it was prudent to take no action and merely inform the parents.
Adding to the woes of the family, the school authorities simply bandaged Jeevika’s hand and handed over the her dismembered finger in a plastic pouch in ice, and asked them to take her to a doctor.
The family said that the incident took place in the school premises, and therefore they expected the school to take the child to a hospital to ensure that immediate emergency medical care was made available. However, Thakur International School not only refused to ensure medical assistance, but also shrugged off their responsibility.
Upon reaching the hospital, doctors informed the parents that they could have reattached the severed finger had they reached the hospital immediately. However, in Jeevika’s case, due to the delay, the nerves were damaged and the dismembered finger could not be reattached.
"Me and my wife are still in trauma and completely shocked. My daughter lost so much of blood her haemoglobin count was just to point 6 after the incident. The pathetic state the school authority took my daughter to washroom and washed her finger. They hide the matter throughout. Just imagine the pain my small child has gone through. She was inconsolable. On human ground if animal is injured we help them here my child has gone through something which cannot be described," said Hemant.
On Friday several parents reached the school and protest. Shiva Sena’s Haji Arafat Sheikh helped parents file case at Kandivali police station. Arafat will take matter to CM and education minister.