New Delhi, Aug 27, 2022: Comedian Munawar Faruqui’s show, scheduled to be held in Delhi on August 28, has been denied permission by the Delhi Police as the central district police, in a report, said the show will affect "communal harmony in the area."
The show was scheduled to take place at the Dr SPM Civic Centre, Kedarnath Sahni Auditorium, from 2 pm to 9.30 pm. It was a privately organised show for which permission had been given earlier.
Faruqui’s Bengaluru show was cancelled last week, despite his claims that it was due to health issues. He did, however, perform in Hyderabad the next day.
Earlier this year, in May, Faruqui participated in the Kangana Ranaut-hosted reality show ‘Lock-Upp’ and won the winner’s trophy after receiving more than 18 lakh votes.
On January 1, this year, Faruqui and four others were arrested by Madhya Pradesh police following a complaint by Eklavya Singh Gaud, son of BJP MLA Malini Laxman Singh Gaud, that objectionable remarks about Hindu deities as well as Union Home Minister Amit Shah were made during a comedy show at a cafe in Indore on New Year’s Day. He was later released on bail.
Courtesy: India Today