New Delhi, June 30, 2022: The Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Wednesday made a slip of the tongue while talking on the GST imposition on horse racing. In a video that is circulating on social media, the minister can be heard saying “horse-trading” instead of “horse racing” before quickly correcting herself.
The video has garnered reactions from opposition parties as several leaders took to Twitter to comment on the minister’s faux pas.
I knew @nsitharaman ji had the ability to think out of the (ballot) box. Yes Nirmala ji, there should be GST on horse trading.
— Pawan Khera 🇮🇳 (@Pawankhera) June 30, 2022
Congress’s chairman of media and publicity Pawan Khera took a jibe at the BJP minister and said, “I knew Nirmala Sitharaman ji had the ability to think out of the (ballot) box.”
The Congress’s Secretary Vineet Punia also tweeted the video and said, "We welcome Nirmala Sitharaman ji’s proposal to impose GST on horse-trading."
CPI(M) General Secretary Sitaram Yechury said, "Truth gallops out? GST on horse trading!"
Courtesy: India Today