Patna, July 28, 2017: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Friday comfortably won the floor test in the Bihar Assembly. As per reports, at least 131 MLAs voted in favour of Bihar CM while 108 MLAs voted against the confidence motion. The floor tests proceedings began on a stormy note with Tejashwi Yadav of RJD leading the charge against Nitish Kumar and blamed him for dumping the Grand Alliance for political alliance.
The RJD ignored our party. The mandate was for a transparent, corruption-free government. RJD didn’t follow ’coalition dharma’, said Nitish Kumar
Would like to thank Congress and RJD, if Tejashwi had not resigned, I would not have been here, says Sushil Modi in Bihar Assembly
The Patna High Court today adjourned till Monday the hearing on two PILs challenging the formation of the new government by Nitish Kumar’s JD (U) along with the BJP. After a brief hearing, a division bench comprising Chief Justice Rajendra Menon and Justice A K Upadhyay adjourned the matter. Two PILs were filed and their lawyers made a mention of them before the bench ahead of the crucial trust vote the Nitish Kumar government has to take in the Bihar Assembly.