mangalore today

PFI holds Parliament March demanding Muslim Reservation

Mangalore Today News Network

Delhi, March 15: A Parliament March by Popular Front of India held on Monday 15 March 2010 to press the demand for reservation to Muslims in Central Government services and in admission to educational institutions.






Protestors asked that if Sachar Committee had proved that Muslims are most backward, why the reservation is denied only to Muslims? The March was stopped by police at Jantar Mantar where the protesters listened to leaders.

E. M. Abdul Rahiman, Chairman, Popular Front of India delivered the key note speech. He stated that Justice Ranganath Misra Commission has prescribed the real remedy for Muslim backwardness by recommending 10% reservation to all Muslims all over India in central government services and central educational institutions. The report was in the parliament during the previous session. But it lies on the table of the parliament as an orphan or as a dead body. The government need not even wait for an approval of the parliament for giving reservation to Muslims. If the nuclear deal can be signed without the consent of the parliament, why the Honourable Prime Minister seek a national consensus on the Muslim reservation issue? How can a secular government wait for consent from the communal BJP and its allies? He reminded that the ruling UPA has to fulfill its commitment contained in the manifesto released prior to last Lok Sabha elections. He quoted the following lines from the manifesto: "The Indian National Congress has pioneered reservations for minorities in Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh in government employment and education on the basis of their social and economic backwardness. We are committed to adopt this policy at the national level.”

E. Abubakkar, National President, Social Democratic Party of India, while addressing the March stated that the duty of a democratic government is to ensure equal and united empowerment of all sections. All imbalances in development have to be removed. But it has not happened in India. The upper castes were given special treatment. Muslims are in the forefront of deprived sections. The only solution to end this problem is reservation. He warned the power centres that they cannot smoothly continue the rule, while 15% of our population remains in illiteracy and in slums. A new positive politics capable of empowering the minorities and backward classes has started gaining ground. We will put an end to the politics of begging and empower the deprived sections to enjoy their share in power. He has offered full support of SDPI for the cause of Muslim reservation.

In addition to national and state leaders of Popular Front, prominent persons including community leaders, members of parliament, journalists and human rights activists addressed the march. (List attached). The march was largely attended by people drawn from Delhi and the surroundings. But all states from Rajasthan to Manipur and from Tamil Nadu to Delhi were represented by delegations. Popular Front general secretary K. M. Shareef welcomed the gathering.

A delegation of Popular Front  including by K.M. Sheriff – National General Secretary, Popular Front of India along with Hafiz Mohamed Haneef – State President, Popular Front, Rajastan and Sahabuddin, – State President, Popular Front, West Bengal later submitted a memorandum to the Prime Minister urging an early executive order earmarking 10% reservation for Muslims in central services and educational institutions.