Mumbai, Feb 23, 2018 : Priyanka Chopra, who featured in one of the advertisement campaigns for Nirav Modi, has terminated her contract with the brand in light of allegations of fraud against billionaire jewellery designer, the actor’s spokesperson said today. Earlier this month, the state-owned Punjab National Bank (PNB) said it had detected a Rs 11,400 crore fraud where Nirav Modi allegedly acquired fraudulent letters of undertaking from a branch in Mumbai to secure overseas credit from other Indian lenders. The actor had appeared in the TV commercial for the brand along with Sidharth Malhotra.
"In light of recent allegations, Priyanka Chopra has chosen to terminate her contract with the Nirav Modi brand," Priyanka’s spokesperson said in a statement.
Sidharth had earlier told PTI that since his contract with the brand was already over, he will not seek any legal action.
Actor Bipasha Basu, who featured in Gitanjali Gems advertisement, has claimed that the brand, owned by Modi’s uncle Mehul Choksi, continued to use her pictures even after her contract expired. Her spokesperson, however, has clarified that she was not seeking any legal action against the company.