mangalore today

Parents offer £2,500 for someone to give their kids ’the talk’

Mangalore Today News Network

Bath, March 01: The birds and the bees can be an awkward conversation to have with your children - so one couple is offering to pay someone £2,500 to do it for them.

Worried about getting a topic wrong or lacking the proper terminology to educate their children about sex, the couple has turned to the internet to find someone capable of having “the talk” with their children, aged eight and seven - and they are willing to pay a pretty hefty fee.

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The couple, based in Bath, posted the “job” offer on, a site meant to help parents find local childcare.

The job posting reads: “We have two children - a daughter aged eight and a son aged seven.

“I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask for this kind of help, but here goes. My husband and I are looking to hire someone to give our eight-year-old daughter and seven-year-old son the ‘talk’.

“Like most parents, we were hoping we would have more time before this became a problem; ideally I’d avoid it altogether! But we’re at the point now where they aren’t satisfied with the answer we’re giving them.”

According to the post, the couple is not happy with the sex education their children are receiving at school “about the complexities of puberty, intimacy and consent, which is why we’re looking for someone to handle this for us.”

But the couple won’t hire just anyone to get the job done - in order to qualify for the unorthodox nanny job, candidates must be willing and able to cover a number of topics, including:

    How sex is between two people who are in love (preferably married but we’re modern enough to know that’s not always possible)
    Consent (with a possible discussion of rape culture)
    Sex with both genders, from foreplay to penetration
    Periods (for our son too – we want him to be comfortable with this natural part of life for women)
    STIs – what they are, what they can cause and prevention
    Sexual protection - the pill, condoms, abstinence etc.
    Explanation of male and female anatomy
    Other gender types – transgender, non-binary etc. (this is an area we would really struggle in!)

And experience in a similar role is definitely a plus.

Additionally, the couple would prefer candidates that are OFSTED registered and have an up-to-date DBS check - as the parents will not be attending the sessions.

However, they will be at home for the sessions, in case the children need to “come and find us if it’s getting too much for them.”

And while the request is unconventional, the concerned couple is willing to pay £2,500 to the candidate that can handle the subjects “delicately and professionally.”

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As for the lessons themselves, those will be recorded, so the children can go back and reference certain topics, and topics can be split up or done all at once depending on the timetable of the employee.

“We are also willing to work to your timetable on this e.g. one session a week for six weeks, or all in one session, whatever you feel is best for their understanding and development.”

Courtesy: Yahoo news