Mumbai, Oct 8, 2015: In a shocking incident, a man allegedly beheaded his wife and walked with her head on the streets of Pune on Friday. Reports say that the 60-year-old Ram Chavan alias Ramu was spotted on the streets with his wife’s head and an axe.
Residents of Pune were shocked on Friday morning by the sight of a 60-year-old man walking the streets of the city with the severed head of his wife, whom he allegedly beheaded with an axe. It is being believed that Ramu Chavan killed his 55-year-old wife as he suspected her of having an extra-marital affair.
Chavan, who works as a watchman in a housing complex in Katraj area, allegedly killed his 45-year-old wife because he suspected her of infidelity, police said.
Dramatic footage aired on television channels showed Chavan, clad in a white kurta and dhoti, nonchalantly walking on the street with the severed head in one hand and the axe in the other as two policemen tried to reason with him.
The footage showed several passers-by and motorists looking on as the policemen led Chavan away.
Chavan was taken into custody by police. According to the FIR filed by police, he killed his wife Sonubai because he suspected she was having an affair with her son-in-law.
He was booked under Section 302 of the Indian Penal Code, which relates to murder.